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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Friday, July 14, 2006

watching...Independance Day?? o_O
It seems I'm always updating my MyOtaku account from my mother's laptop, lol.
I just woke up to my dads cell phone ringing (thank you mother -_-) b/c he left it here and I had it in my room.
uugh *sighs*...

Well...last night was pretty boring...
so I threw on makeup and photo whored a bit, updating my myspace pictures lol.
And made a few signs for people...
what was funny is I posted a bulletin saying if anyone wanted a sign they should tell me now b/c I was going to wash off my makeup soon.
And so two of my friends asked me to, so I made them signs and then went to wash off my makeup, and then when I came back one of my [fucking HOT] guy friends asked me if I'd make him one, but I had just gotten the message late, and I didn't want to tell him tat because he is really nice and he would have felt guilty or something so I threw my makeup on again xDDDD
oh yes I wasted some makeup last night =___=

I keep having strange dreams...
Really strange dreams.
I don't remember the last time I ever had a happy dream, have i ever, actually? hmm...
do we have happy dreams?
I only remember a couple that have left me feeling good in the morning.
I just wish I could have NO dream, sometimes, just let my mind rest.
I think that must be it...my mind is restless so often that at night it just explodes into so many fucked up weird things.

ooooh dear....there might be some major duel jewel whoring here soon...I just found one of my many photobucket accounts (I keep running out of room xDDDD) and there are approxamately 14 pages of duel jewel pictures (just on THIS account o__o) each page containing about 20 photographs...*major sweatdrop*

Aww this is from Acen 03, I have this on video thanks to my shae-shae *hearts* It's the most adorable thing to watch ^__^

Shun-sama *laughs* that's his idea of an "Im-so-not-gonna-laugh face xD;; Isn't he gorgeous though?

apparently this little girl just LOVED Shun xD awwww. I find it absolutely amazing how little kids and babies always love the people which most parents will pull them away from, hahaha. Like me and me dad for example. My dad has long hair to his waist and wears leather jackets and rides a harley, I have colorful hair and wear spiked jewelry and black band Tshirts etc etc. and babies LOVE us to death o___O little kids and babies are always trying to get to us, but parents always hurry them away like we're going to eat them or something. Weird isn't it?

I don't think she knows just how lucky she is T-T

It's like Duel Jewel foster care xDDD Hayato loves children, but I recall Crystal telling me that this little girl was also at fanime (these pics are from onicon) and Hayato was calling her over to him and she ran to Shun xDD of course, I can't blame her *grin*

Shun-sama playing his guitar. He is, without a doubt, one of the most AMAZING guitarists I have ever known. In fact, during their US debut, their very first performance in the united states as Akon 13, Shun learned to play Rocket Dive (by hide with spread beaver, I believe? i can't remember if he was with ZILCH or Spread Beaver...) in just a few hours and perform it the next day :O
If you've ever seen his live performances (I have but only by way of video *sighs*) and watch his fingers as he plays, they move SO fast. And his face is amazing, he is supposed to play the badboy act all the time *laughs*, and act all badass and sexy (which he can do ;D), but during a live he can't hold back his smiles. He is laughing and grinning so big that it's contagious.

Hayato had to have had braces. Look at the line of his teeth =3= his smile is actually very pretty, the lighting is so terrible for his teeth in this picture xD;;

okay sorry enough Duel Jewel whoring...*sweatdrop*
I just really have nothing better to talk about...hmm...
Well I don't know when my oral surgery is...I have to go to the orthodontist first ;_;
I'm so scared, i have to be honest. and I REALLY dont want braces. -_-
omg i wonder if braces will interfere with my lip piercing plans o_o....sunuva.....>.<

okay im sorry, more photo whoring of me b/c I'm gei. I honestly have NOTHING to talk about right now other than babbling sooo this is going to be a superficial photo whoring session ;_;

i look so wrong in this picture o__o
that's my new shirt I bought last weekend or whenever it was that I went shopping, by the way. Ummm...to be blunt....my chest looks too small xD;;; I have to say it, i look flat as hell o_O
and I am all but flat....that's so weird i wonder how that happened *squints*

xDD Taken around 11:00 last night, yes yes yes. and my beanie that reminds me so much of Zero-sama hahaha.

awww i found my picture i took with D'epsairs Ray, did I ever show you guys that o__o?
well if i did, then please tell me and I won't show you. If I didn't then I'll post it tomorrow because you HAVE to see d'espa's faces, they are all so sleepy >.<

baibai, ill hopefully have something better to talk about tomorrow!


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