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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Saturday, July 15, 2006

okay what do you think :0??
Drew it yesterday, took me a couple of hours.
It looks a lot better on paper ~____~
like for serious now, people, a lot better.

For reference-- it's my Korean friend Crystal (AKA Shou).

this is Kikuye, my other friend in California. She is friends with Crystal, they actually know eachother in real life though. lol


Ummmm considering it's actually 11:32 at the moment here, this updates based on the eastern time zone, so I can get away with this xDDDD.

I'm probably going to have to clean all day tomorrow *sighs*
Well....today...Saturday...yeah. That's what I meant lol.

OH yeah i just remembered I promised to post that pic of me with D'ray...
okay i look like shit b/c i was so scared of touching Hizumi or Karyu that I scrunched myself all up into a little ball xDD;;;
I was paranoid they would like freak out and stab me or something .________.

xDDD sorry its so big, i thought i resized it but i didnt I guess e___e oops
im too lazy to go do it again xDD
god i look like shit!!!! LOL they were all so tired, poor things. I really wanted them to go take a rest or something T__T


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