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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Friday, July 21, 2006

weeeeeeeeeeeee SE7EN sounds like a hotter justin timberlake?! LMAO
1:33.....just woke up about twenty minutes ago hahaha.
Who likes my new layout :D?
and who can see the player??
Momo couldnt see it, i think if you cant then you dont have the right flash player downloaded.
b/c i believe you need flash...
to all those who CAN see it, listen to Duel Jewel.
Because I said so.
It's one of my favorite favorite songs by them and I'm singing along with it as we speak xDDDDD
I'm such a loser.

i know my pic look like crap e_e
I'll get a better one as soon as possible.

wow um
my hands just fell asleep while i was typing o__O
im laying down on my moms bed sing HER laptop *cough* ._.
maybe that's why xD hahaha

Oh oh!!!
I made jell-o yesterday...like an entire pan full....and my mom got eating it, and i came out and was like "BIIIIIITCH DAS MAH JELLO >:O"
it ended up being gone by midnight e_e
it was good though xD;;

I make more today, yes?
yes yes

Oh and for those who don't know, just so I don't get questioned....if you CAN see the player, Dong Bang Shinki is KOREAN, Nicholas Tse is CHINESE, and SE7En is KOREAN.
the rest are either Japanese or English, and if you can't tell THOSE apart then you're scaring me.

oh and um.....most of the songs have the word "fuck" xDD;;;; like a lot lmao
particularly the English ones but so do some of the japanese ones oo;;
and yes, it's mostly the word "fuck" xDDDD

I sent Momo-chan lots of mp3s yesterday...well not LOTS but like 4 or 5 I think lol.
which is no problem, if anyone ever wants an mp3 ill see if i have it ^_^
I have at least 16 CDs burned, all with about 18-25 songs, my mp3 player has like 250 (but those are unaccessible at the moment ToT *cry*) and all together (english+korean+chinese+japanese) about ummmm I'd guess 200+ on the comp.
so if you think there is a chance I'll have something you want, please ask me :)

okay im gonna go b/c my hands are falling asleep again x_____x
and I have to do my cleaning today and make more JELLLLOOOOO

*hearts* to you all


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