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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Saturday, July 22, 2006

sinec i have nothing of great importance to say....replies to comments, yes? :D

MSI = kickass. Bed of Roses = even more kickass.
Yeah it's really the only MDM song I like too oo;;
My friend Hannah loves Mana though so she burned me a copy of her MDM dvd and i decided to watch it anyway and saw Juka performing this and I have to admit I think Juka is hot (but stupid Mana kicked him out xD). That song is from their second to last newest album ("Visions"). It's one of my favorites. Oh you have Lapidary?? Red Beast wo Korose is and always has been my absolute FAVORITE *hearts* hahaha. I'm waiting for someone to come up to me and go "Dong Band Shinki is japanese right 8D?" and then I'll have to kick them....in the eyes...
Out of Your Mouth is one of my favorite American bands...well...actually I think they might be canadian LOL I don't remember...let's go with english bands xD

haha yeah my body likes to fall asleep on me o_o
like when i wake up and i try to move and it hurts so bad xD
It does too shut your face (I take compliments so well ne? ._.) lmao.
I DOOOOOOOOOOOOO love Jello :D even though...the main ingredient kind of disturbs me x___x *cough*
If you need anymore mp3s you know how to reach me ^___^ lubbyuu

I love DBSK too xD they are too adorable. Hi Ya Ya is my favorite, though :3 it's so cute lol.
Nicholas Tse...honestly I haven't heard a LOT of his songs, but enough to know that I like him. And he's a cool guy, my friend showed my an english interview with him and his english is absolutely flawless, but that could be due to his living in Arizona for a while, ne? xD; haha.

I'm going to try and sew my bag today x__x
i have this amazing purple fuzzy material and it will be PERFECT for my sexpot inspired bag xD
I love Sexpot to death but ordering imported clothes online is such a pain in the ass and tohugh i have the money for like one bag it's stupid when I can sew almost everything on there. I may order this skirt though...if I find out how big a Japanese XL is. Because I know Japanese sizes are smaller and I'll probably need an XL in their size to fit my fecking hips -_-
i dunno...does anyone have pointers?
my bust = 42 inches
waist = 31 inches
hips = 40
o_o;;; Yeah my body is shaped funny lmao. You don't have to tell me that.

sankyuuu *hearts*

now im off because mother dearest is bxtching at me to take out the dog -_-;


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