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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Monday, July 24, 2006

Larth2think-- Oh he did? That's WONDERFUL. I would really hate to see his beautiful voice go out D:

I added a new link to the profile...
link to my new photobucket account (god I literally have about 5 now xD *sweatdrop*).
Ummm...if you do actually go see for some reason, know that those are like... 0.4% of all my sketches *sighs*
I'm too lazy to go use the scanner and my dad gets sick of having to type in the password to get onto his computer in order to USE the scanner e_e
Next time I use the scanner I'll try to get as many drawings as I can up there *yawns*
If you do look I'd really enjoy feedback, I like constructive criticism.
It helps me do better the next time :)

My dad and I were flipping channels and found "Supersize Me"....for those who don't know it's a movie about a guy who decides that to prove a point (of which I would make far too complicated and end up just confusing myself trying to exlain it, but you whould get his point too once I get to describing the process xD;).
He eats Mcdonalds and nothing BUT Mcdonalds, 3 times a day every day for 30 days.
He gained like 27 pounds I think and the doctor told him he should quit it after about 3 weeks passed because he was slowly killing himself but he didn't.
30 days it took for him to totally waste his body.
That's just disgusting.
I swear I'm never eating Mcdonalds unless there is no other choice *shudders*
They ever ruined the parfaits for me lol. shit.
I already knew the salads were not healthy, they pack about as much calories and fat as a cheeseburger with all the dressing and shit.
I'm not eating fast food.
That's the end of that.
I'll just get a drink whenever my parents decide to stop there. And I don't drink soda anymore so I'll just have to order tea or water.
I'm thoroughly disgusted by food now.
Absolutely repulsed.
and I don't eat school lunch anyway so that part of the movie just proved my original thoughts lmao! School food is death! xD

I have an orthodontist appointment next Monday ~_~
great fun ne?
Then my surgery...I don't know when that will be. Hopefully before school starts...I don't want to miss school because of it.

I have to go start my chores for today *sighs*
I'm steadily getting enough money for my hair *dances*
by this weekend im gonna convince my dad to let me go to the hair salon and ask how much for just the cut and bleach and the black parts.
I don't feel like posting how I'll do my hair, those who already know, lucky you lmao (kidding).
I'll post pics when i actually get it DONE, how's that?
But my dad said "your mom cant kill me if YOU get it done."
e_e thank you, father.
i think.


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