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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Okay so I had to replace my playlist

im listening to hi ya ya
xDDD I love this song so much.
Weird ne?
Most people are shocked to hear my music tastes, they are expecting more..."In Vain" (#1 on this playlist) rather than "Hi Ya Ya"
but I love them both :D

I have to say this, after commenting on momo-chan's site...
the issue is noe implanted into my brain.

And I'm not talking about Dir en grey coming to the US, though that subject brought it up.
It doesn't matter!
I know I shouldn't talk about what I do in these situations because I know not everyone is like me and thus can't do what I do (or won't), but it's the only solid thing i have to go on, so bear with me.
I hear people every day bash on what I like or what my friends like, and honestly I don't care.
If someone came up to me and went "DUEL JEWEL IS GAY AND THEY HAVE ASS SEX EVERY NIGHT" (which has actually happened, save a few words were said in different terminology) I would probably bust up laughing.
Laughter overpowers anger, I've found.
and usually it confuses the person trying to piss you off :)
Which helps, since I do have a tendancy to love to mess with people's heads.

Everyone, and i mean EVERYONE will have a different opinion than you.
Even if it's the general concept they agree on, the details will probably be different in their idea of the subject.
so why should it get to you?
the inevitable is just that: INEVITABLE.
so that means if you let it bother you and rule your life, you're almost set to lead a stupid miserable existance consisting of endless, ongoing, stupid arguements that you'll never win because you can't MAKE other people agree with you.
Look at it this way--
if you walk up to a person openly hating on some random person of a different race than themselves and shouting out racial term after racial term, and you say "you shouldn't do that, it's not nice." OBvIOUSLY it's not going to help.
you could come up with the most detailed, researched, and intricate speech imagineable to try and convince someone not to do this, but do you think it will help?
So don't bother.

Do I sound pessimistic?
I don't care. because that's the way it is, as far as I've experienced.

Why should it matter if someone tells you your shoes don't match your shirt, or that you look chubbier than normal, or that your music isn't "up to standard"?

You choose how you react to things, even if it seems you don't, YOU DO.
you CHOOSE to be angry, you CHOOSE to be sad, you CHOOSE to laugh at them.
And some choices will make you feel better than others.

I'm sure lots of people, for example, who enjoy Visual Kei and other Japanese music have experienced some pretty stupid hate, am I right?
You can't possibly tell me that at one point in your life you haven't had SOMEONE speak in "fake chinese" or try to convince you that "GACKT IS A FAG".
but do you really get that offended?
Life is too short, it's not worth it.
It's just NOT worth it to try and defend something as simple as that, especially if it's upon deaf ears.

ugh okay yeah sorry everyone
I didn't mean this towards anything in particular, I just needed to get it OUT of my system.
I know when I go back and read this later I'm gonna be like "ugh why did you SAY that?" but it came flowing out before I thought about what I was saying, so you know what?
Come at me with any ridicule you want, I really don't care :)


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