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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Tuesday, August 1, 2006

got my hair cut last night, ill try to get a pic of it soon.

that haircut set me back $110 sooo...
i think i may have fucked myself on my plane ticket
I need money FAST
any ideas ANYONE??
like im dead serious I'll try ANYTHING
i need at least $400 by october, and probably $350 by september depending on my plane ticket, I can get about $200 with my allowance by then so really i just need ideas to get $200+
Selling my anime first and foremost.
then my keyboard i nver use which would be about $75-$100 (what? it's a decent keyboard)

I think i can scrape this...

oh and im getting my cavities filled next week plus my oral surgeries and my braces.
yayyyyy D:

ummmm im sorry this isnt longer lmao
ill get a pic up of my new hair asap
i love it to death<3<3


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