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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Thursday, August 3, 2006

okay so!
school registration yesterday was actually kind of fun.
The events in order of remembrance (XD):

We get there at 8 am, on the dot. Perfectly on time.
THEN we realize that my stupid dad didn't know we had to have like 5 other papers.
So then we had to run back home, get 3 bills as proof of residence, THEN go to my last school (the ghetto school that i hated so much) and get the transfer papers and a copy of my social security card from them.
SO at about 9:30 we finally get back to my new school and head to the library to register me.
I see this girl kind of lingering around by a wall of books and we both looked at eachother, because, well we dress alike let's put it like that.
So as I was signing in she walks up to me and goes "you have the same socks as me ahaha"
(i was wearing my red and black striped socks under a pair of ripped up jeans).
And it sparked conversation.
She was really nice and it turns out she is new too and going to be a sophmore as well.
She also knows jrock bands, and she even knew Duel Jewel.
She said I was the first friend she had met since she moved here and I was like "me too :D" b/c im a loser lol. but its true. I have a feeling i'll become friends with her ^_^
She was funny in that monotone sarcastic kind of way hehe.

Anyway i had to break off the conversation with her to go make my schedule, she was waiting for her dad to get there because he had to go get her papers (guess they didn't know either hehe).
My schedule made me kind of pissed off...
because the high school in kentucky i started my freshman year at had 6 periods a day, and then my ghetto school i moved to had 4 (block schedule) it fucked up my credits.
And now i have to take Art 1 OVER AGAIN.
Fucking PISSED me off.
I have to take algebra 1 again too, because I've taken pre-algebra three goddamn times and passed with at LEAST a B every time. But it was in 3 different schools -_-
And I have to take P.E. again. Oh my fucking god I was so mad about that. I HATE HATE HATE P.E.
Welll....*sighs* i guess it'll do me good to get some exercise...but still ugh i hate it.
Oh and I'm gonna dye my ends :)
What do you guys think?
red or purple?
i'm gonna try to get my dad to get me both if I can, because I'm going shopping this weekend for school clothes.
Hmmm...the counselor was funny. She said something along the lines of "technically I'm not supposed to tell you that you're allowed to do it [dye my hair], but lots of kids try it and get away with it so I think you'll be okay *winks*"
heheeeee so im just gonna do it anyway xDD

I have a half day next Thursday, it's to go get our schedules and go through a normal school day and whatever.
*rolls eyes*

Oh!! and!! HAHA it was so hilarious. When we were leaving we had to stop by the main office to pay a locker fee, and there was this group of bleach-blonde girls that kept glancing at me and i was like oO;;
and then i guess one of them had a little sister, because there was this little chubby girl about 7 maybe, and she was giving me "the look" and staring at me.
so I looked down at her and raised an eyebrow and she looked away immediately
HAHa it made my day, I had to try so hard not to bust up laughing right there xDDD
Then my school starts in two weeks *major sigh*
fun, ne? -___-;; [/sarcasm]

Last night i went on netflix and ordered about 11 asian horror movies LMAO
Well...most of them were. 2 were the next Ceres boxset dvds and one was moon child. and one was Unleashed.
I have had moon child for about 6 or 7 months now but I lost it when we moved in May D:
so I'm reordering it to burn it again LMAO.
Unleashed is my favorite Jet li movie, ABSOLUTE favorite. i love Kiss of the Dragon too, but Unleashed is just great and SO adorable ^^
im such a thief ^o^

Hmmm have some pictures today, ne? :D

Heee!! This is what hide looks like on my X Japan shirt xDDD
I'm thinking of wearing that the first day of school....*ponders* hmmm maybe?

HAHAHA look at little tiny hyde xD. This is my favorite movie of all, I know it's pathetic. A lot of people hate it, but it ALWAYS makes me end up sobbing my eyes out. The first time i watched it, the second time, every time after that. I end up crying my eyes out. Because I'm a loser. That's why.

.........hello shun-sama.....*wipes off my shirt*....need help putting that back on >:D?
wtf is he holding?!?! HAHAHA I JUST SAW THAT!!! It looks like Pocky almost oO;; LMAO omg i want a bite xDD

Now what would a pic-fest be without another Duel Jewel picture? Natsuki and Yuya...ahhh the wonders of drugs, ne? heheee

KOHTA! 8DDD (Pierrot). I had a crush on him a while back, i remember lol. He is so funny, I love him to death still xD

okay ummmm
thats the end of that for now i guess....
im just bored to death xD;
I'm gonna go play with my new hair and figure out what to do with it next thursday....


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