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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Sunday, August 6, 2006

yesterday was not completely horrible, I know why I was in such a bitter mood though e_e
hello monthly hormones.
If you catch my drift.

*sing song voice*
I miss my babies D:
Jen, Katie, and Dolly.
My poor babies.
Jen and Katie have been without a computer for a while now but they should be getting it back soon (so Jen tells me).
I think Katie must be mad at me though D:
because every time I text Jen (or RARELY when I call her or she calls me) Katie seems to be there but never says hi ;_;
I really miss those girls.
Kinda worry about them, hough, I always hear about them being so sad lately.
From Dolly of course since SOMEONE doesn't talk to me anymore (Katie =3=)

Anyways umm...
I went shopping yesterday.
I bought a couple new shirts, 3 new pairs of jeans, a bunch of school supplies and a new hair iron :DD
The shirts are great heee
I got a really long grey and black striped shirt (the stripes are very thick, it reminds me greatly of Toshiya), I think it's called "tunic" or something, ne? the style i mean e_e
and my mom got me this shirt the color of a cantaloupe HAHA with Cartman on the front. ressed in his "cheesy poof" suit. and it says "got cheesy poofs?" on it.
ahhh mother *rolls eyes*

OH yeah and this great mini skirt with black and white stripes :DD
I wear it over pants of course because--
DUN DUN!! I hate my legs :D

I don't know what the hell I'm watching o__O
I woke up and never changed the channel (my TV turns on by itself around 5 am every morning...NO CLUE WHY)
It's that movie about nuns and Whoopi Goldberg (i dont even know if that's how you spell her name LMAO)Yeeeeah....
I'm just gonna keep my eyes on the computer e_e

I'm gonna try to buy my hair dye today but my dad is in a umm...pesky mood...so I don't know how that's gonna go.
I have to still go buy new shoes and makeup today.
See, there is this weekend in Tennessee I just learned about, which happens to be this very weekend right now, upon which there is no sales tax charged.
I think it's because this is pretty much right before school starts, so it's to help save on that.
TN sales tax is pretty expensive from what I hear.
So, naturally, this entire weekend is going to be a HELL zone.
Yesterday we went to walmart to get the school supplies.
I almost BEAT people.
This little kid ran into the back of my knees and I turned around ready to get mad but it was this adorable little Chinese boy about 4, and he was saying something in Chinese to his mom and his mom saw him run into me and she goes *insert thick accent* "oh sorry!!" So I couldn't get mad.
He was the cutest thing.
And this little baby was in a cart while I was trying to squeeze through a huge crowd in the school supply section and he kept trying to grab at me and smiling at me xDD
I love babies, they make me smile hehee

HAHA yesterday Dolly was looking at cosplay.com with me at different cosplayers, and I looked up Duel Jewel in the cos search section.
Oh god.
Never do that.
I saw a shun cosplayer I really didn't want to see.
There were some good cosplayers of Natsuki, a couple of which I'm friends with on Myspace, coincidentally xDDD
And one wasn't really a good cosplayer but she had a funny story about Hayato.
Just proving, once again, he never fails to think of something sexual xDDD
I love that man lmao

GAH my computer is running so slow at the moment, I type in some stuff and it takes about 5 extra seconds to show up on the screen

Well I had better end this so I can restart the computer and everything *sighs*


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