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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Sunday, August 13, 2006

wow a post actually reguarding anime....
everyone gasp together now...

So we have this lock on our tv right?
Anything rated MA to A is locked.
So if an anime is rated MA (which many are due to blood and violence) I have to ASK my parents to unlock it.
And they aren't home all day.
Today however...my dad and mom are both off.
I see Gravitation on my On Demand features, it's rated MA but I know there is no explicit yaoi in it (at least, if there was any it wouldn't be in the first episode right?) So I beg my dad to just let me watch it because I haven't seen it yet.
So I figure after he punches in the pin number he'll leave because he thinks anime is stupid.
nope. of course not.
He proceeds to sit down on the couch next to the loveseat I am laying on, and watch it with a look of utter distaste upon his face.
So, with all the references to "gay-ness" I get embarassed because I am very uncomfortable watching anything Jrock or anime related with my parents in the room, I have ot be honest.
I know they think it's stupid so it just makes me uncomfortable and I'd rather ask them to leave but then they'll get suspicious and/or angry with me.
My dad, who has many times before made me believe he is not homophobic whatsoever, nor does he have any issue with homosexuality, then begins to look at me with an expression that cannot be expressed as anything but "you are in so much trouble what the fuk is this shit".
So near the end, when Shuichi and Yuki (for those who have seen this episode) are in the elevator, he takes the remote from me, and I can see they will probably kiss soon so I'm panicking and hoping he'll just change it.
No, he waits until AFTER they kiss, then once the end credits come on he says "You are never watching that shit ever again".

all of the above
I'm pissed off.

If it would have been a GIRL and a guy, he would have no problem.
They didn't blatantly fuck eachother, they just kissed.
A gentle, soft little peck.
Wasnt even MAKING out.
But no, it was two guys.
Two male humans.
Of course, this is disgusting and wrong.
I should have known better than to even ask.
Now whenever I ask to unlock a show he won't let me, this means no more anime rated MA, not even Hellsing.

Once again, he has proved to me how much he really is more ignorant than he lets on.


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