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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Monday, August 14, 2006

okay so first day of school was today :|
It went good, I suppose.
I'm not too happy with the lunch arrangements...I have to eat with almost all freshman besides the class I go in with.
Which means none of my friends I made today and last Thusday are in it.
Because it's in that building I have to walk to twice a day across campus ~_~

My hair is now orange and yellow and red xDD
I feel like a fruit roll up...on fire
its an interesing color combo lol!
And like...today the teachets went over the rules with us in EVERy class and every time they came to "no extreme hair color" everyone stared at me XDDD
I just smiled and the teacher laughed and went on like i was doing nothing wrong or cracked a joke about my hair and THEN went on xDD

I'm gonna test my collar tomorrow ._.
this red PVC collar with spikes and chains...I'm kinda scared I'll die xD
But I'll try it out anyways :)

and like...on my way to first block (which is the first class in which I have to walk across campus for) I was walking with my friend Brianna who is in my first class and my firend Brandon who had to go to the main building for his class, and we were following Brandon for a second to say bye and the campus cop pulls us over and was like:
cop: where are you three off to? *suspicious glare*
me: ._. on our way to class. We're going to the annex building (the building across campus) *points to it*
cop: So why are you heading THAT way?
brianna: we were following him! *points to brandon* just saying bye before we headed to class.
cop: *still suspicious glare* Why did you come out from the back of ths school?
me: we were lost, we're all new! (and we ARE all new! so i wasnt lying!)
cop: well the late bell just rang.
me: well we didnt hear it since we were outside -_-
cop: fine get to class.
me: (after the cop drove off) well...someone needs to get laid e_e

so me and Brianna headed off to class, even MORE late thanks to Mr. male-menopause.

And then english was good, this kid in the class had a shirt with Japanese on it and I was smiling and reading it and he was like "._. ...hi?"
oo;;; oops hope i didnt freak him out too much xD
He would look at me and say small things to me through class so I guess I didnt scare him LOL
good ^^;
And ummm hmm...next was "Wellness" which is basically an excuse to give us more PE only with textbooks e-e
it's also my lunch hour, with the freshman.

Theennnnn....I have spanish.
I hate spanish.
but i have to take it
The teacher seemed nice, but the subject itself seems kind of strange...and boring...
the people are nice lol
I was fixing up my drawing of Kiku and like three of four people sitting around me had evidently been staring at it because when I looked up this girl next to me goes "you know you're REALLY good at that." and I was like "*laughs* aw thank you."
because that is all I know how to say
and then she wanted to see the whole sketchbook...then another kid did..
yeah thats how it usually goes when someone sees them e_e
I don't complain though...I'm flattered they like my drawings :D
And they weren't weirded out by the umm...bondagey guys in there ._.
I'll have to scan those so I can show you what I'm talking about...
I have a couple sketches of half-naked guys in bondage...accessories...
Yeah ._.;;

tomorrow should be okay i think :)
I'm just worried about some stuff...
like we arent allowed to have backpacks in class...
i carry around a messenger bag because normally you can get away with having those instead of backpacks <.<;;
so umm...I'll try that...because my locker is in the Annex Building and I don't have NEAR enough time to go to the locker and then to class.
Because if you are late ONCE in any class except first then you are written up.
so I cannot be late.
D: damnit.

anyway so ummm after school i get outside and it is POURING RAIN.
Not just raining hard, like fucking DUMPING rain.
There was a THICK waterfall coming off of the patio roof. The water was coming down so hard it stung like hell.
And about an inch of water on the concrete of the TOP platform of steps we were all on.
So the buses were fucked up and I missed mine and had to wait until about 4 PM to call my dad and have him pick me up.
We also took Brandon home because his mom was going to make him walk 3 miles in that shit ._.

so yeah....
that was my boring day :)

I'm gonna try to get my hair to stay UP tomorrow.
I sweat off my makeup a lot ): because it gets so hot sometimes.

still hearing people are being rude to Dir en grey.
I hate ignorant bastards.
They don't HAVE to like dir en grey, I really don't give a fuck if they do or not.
They don't have to say they DO like them even if they don't.
But they could at least respect them as human fucking beings and being brave enough to come to a foreign country, to a music scene very different from their own, and actually DO what they are doing.
Ugh yeah I'm kinda mad :)
lots of smilies in this ne?


p.s. psh you guys are gei, not looking at the videos i tried to hard to make 3 days ago xD

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