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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Thursday, August 17, 2006

my day: totally out of order.
I pulled a muscle in my....ass....
and upper thigh
it hurts so bad to walk though, and I have to walk across campus 5 times every day D:
P.E. is tomorrow as well (we alternate P.E. with a health class every other day here)....oh god thats the reason my muscle is pulled in the FIRST place! I'm going to die!!!

In other news...
I skipped school for the first time today.
And found out I am TRULY overly-paranoid ahaha xD;;
It was not technically...SKIPPING <_<;
more just like...taking off in someone's car during lunch.
I was about 10 minutes late to class though.
and i didn't know they would be smoking weed while they DROVE THE FUCKING CAR -___-
I'm not a pothead. I rather dislike potheads.
I don't do drugs (though I do smoke NORMAL cigarettes sometimes like this morning and yesterday D: but I'm gonna quit before I get like...truly addicted. no more ever again for me.)
So yeah. I was freaking out. Plus the guy kept hitting on me and the only person I knew in the car was brianna who the guy happened to ask out in the car as well.
I saw them light up joints (the guy driving and his friend in the front seats) and was like O______O
and then after we dropped his friend off Brianna climbed into the front seat and was TICKLING the guy while he was driving
I kept freaking out and telling them to stop trying to KILL me in a car wreck but of course no one listens to me -____-
we didnt get caught, I told my teacher i was at lunch late then headed to the bathroom and lost track of time <_<;
luckily it was last period. Though I did miss out on studying for the test one last time before we took it D: (it was spanish).
I'm never doing that again. FUCK that.
i don't like marijuana or anything of the sort and I don't mind if other people do it just...fucking CHRIST don't do it while you're driving! At least not while you are driving ME!!!!!

So yeah....and in 1st period (art) my teacher, i found out, is an evil bitch :)
she thinks I'm annoying and too loud.
anyone who knows me can tell you I have this obnoxiously loud voice when I'm talking to friends. Otherwise I'm VERY quiet.
and like, brianna would say something and I'd answer and laugh (my laugh is loud too) and the teacher would get all pissed off at ME and tell me I'm annoying >:(
Everyone else in the room was louder than I was!!!!

Ugh this was NOt my day X____X

awww but on the way a cross campus to second period we saw two baby birds hopping around on the ground learning to fly ^^
they were SOOOO fucking cute and we followed them for a minute and they were peeping and i was like "AWWW OMG"
and Brandon (who I really don't like much anymore, he reminds me of someone I'd rather not mention the name of.) was like "ahaha should I kill it?" joking around of course. But Brianna and I got mad at him.
because that's not funny.

in second period (english II honors) we had to interview a partner (picked by the teachet thank god b/c i know NO ONE in that class).
I got a football/baseball player sports fanatic who is dating a head cheerleader
He wasnt that bad....just....i could tell he didnt want to talk to me. I was friendly and a smart-ass as always and made him laugh a few times but other than that we couldnt seem to strike conversation.
While I gave him extensive answers to help him write about me (we have to present these to the class ;-; I'm stage fright!!! i cant do that!!!!), he gave me one word answers.
how the hell am i going to write a one page long report on that???
I'll try with my mad crazy writing skills to create SOME sort of flowery adjectives to make it better :( *sighs*

So umm...yeah.
That was my day.
._. .....

i'm so tired I think im gonna fall asleep right here....*leans head on mom's bed*


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