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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Friday, August 18, 2006

I'm hungry ._.

just got home
HAHA fuck myself....
I forgot my key and I was already dying of hunger/thirst/HEATSTROKE/exhaustion when I got up the stairs to my apartment door xD;;
So then I had to walk all the way BACK down the stairs and across the complex to the clubhouse to get a copy of the key.

I lost 3 or 4 pounds today O_O;;
it was in water i think though.
again ---- FUUUCK.
Because I had PE today and even though I didnt run because I have a limp (i pulled a muscle remember?) I still played badminton :D
I LOVE tennis/badminton.
It's the only sport I'm good at! HAHA!
And we had to partner up and practice serving (serving is different in badminton and i cant do it D: so i had my partner do it all the time lol!) and then we all had this "contest" thing where we would hit it back and forth with our partners and see which pair lasted longest
We won two or three times >:D
the only times i missed were when it was up and in the light and so I couldnt see or else because my eyes started to screw up and I would get double vision.
I don't eat all day until i get home from school, so that was probably part of it, then lack of sleep because I was EXHAUSTED this morning, and then last night was really bad, I was crying for hours (dad+me=fight. So yeah. mom made me feel better though...we're getting closer lately o_O; weird).
And I'm asthmatic so when I DID run a lap before my leg gave out on me and started throbbing again, I had a mild asthma attack but didn't say anything because i just needed to rest and it would pass.
I didn't wanna cause any unnecessary drama.

But yes and I have all black gym clothes *smacks forehead*
It wasn't intentional but that's all I had D:
Black sweats and a black huge shirt.
And black shoes.
and I wore my black/red tall socks today. because I'm an idiot.
So I was COVERED in sweat Dx icky icky icky.

Ummm so I've been tired all day...almost fell asleep in class a few times but we're not allowed to put our heads down so I couldn't @@;

And I aced my second Spanish test today muahahahahahaaaaa.
:D happy happy happy.

I am gonna go take a shower and redye my hair...or i might dye it sunday night...so its fresh for school =/
it's really orange and REALLY yellow in some spots
xDDDD heee

my allowance is fucked for this week ;_;
i slacked a bit...and my dad had to clean my bathroom last night (he didnt have to but thats the reason he started freaking out and yelling at me even though I DID mop and sweep it -_-)
I'll probably only get like $15 ;-;

I'm hungry....fooood !!
there goes that 4 pounds I lost today xDD


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