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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Saturday, August 19, 2006

yet another friend met dir en grey in the past few days
its becoming nothing new to hear "I MET SHINYA WOOO"
weird how that happens...

aww she is like in love with kyo (as much as you, my momo-chan) and she saw him like 5 feet awat talking to someone, and like he was telling the guy "I'm Kyo" and she goes O_O "k-kyo? kyo??"
and he like, bolted.
she's all bummed because she hadnt wanted to like mob him or anything.
poor thing is all bummed about that D:
and apparently only shinya and toshiya (i believe those two ne?) were the only ones who didnt bring girls.
kyo's g/f was at the phoenix show my friend went to, we think.
This japanese chick was all around Kyo and up in his business and whatnot lol!

and im still talking to her, getting me to tell me juicy details xD
she met die outside and shook his hand and he was a sweetie.
she is so happy lol, despite the kyo incident.

I would never have the courage to.
Especially after my D'espa incident. I scarred Zero-sama for life, I think xDDDD
poor baby.
I ramble when I'm nervous, if I can remember how to talk and breathe.

damn myself

ack i have to cut this short
thunderstorm = turn off computer.


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