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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Sunday, August 20, 2006

okay so....
I went to the mall yesterday in an attempt to make friends better with that Brianna girl.
However she had to bring her little boyfriend, guess who that is?
The pothead bastard who tried to fucking kill me in the car the other day.

So I had to walk around and watch them PDA in every part of the mall and ignore me.
Hell, they even left stores while I was in the back and when I looked over to say something to Brianna they were gone.
I was so pissed off I just wanted to go home as soon as possible.
And I was so happy when I did get home, but he more I was with them the more I realized I just wanted my friends back.
I miss them more than anything and it broke me down again and I had to call Hannah.
Just listen to her for a while, she's always the best at making me feel better.

She was busy when I called but she said it was okay she could talk. She was moving stuff for her sister who is going to college again this year. So we talked for about an hour or so before she had to get off to continue helping.

I don't want to go to school, how sad is that? One week is all that's passed and already the thought makes me sick. I don't want to deal with anyone, I just wish the teachers would make projects with partners OPTIONAL. If I neverh ad to deal with working with anyone I would probably do just that. Sit by myself and do what I have to do in class, there is no need to make friends or anything in that case. I don't eat with anyone at lunch (well I don't EAT at lunch anyway, I just listen to music and practice Japanese since I have nothing better to do), I just sit at the table nearest the door and another kid sits there regularly too. I have to eat with freshman, I said that before didn't I? Besides my class, I believe that entire room is Freshman that lunch period.

I want Super Junior....*turns on Kpop*
They make me smile.

So I've been on this yoshiki binge since yesterday morning...ever since I decided to visit youtube again. See, my mom wanted to see P!NK's music video for Stupid Girl, and I used youtube to show her. So then I decided I would look up random conventions with Jrock guests that I had missed lately. I found a few of Hiroaki and Wataru from AX, and also Kamijo from Fanime. And I thought I would look up Otakon, just to see Yoshiki and what he did at the convention. I thought they wouldn't allow videos but they did so I was happy about it.
he was very funny, I love listening to his voice. His accent is thick so sometimes I have to listen hard but other times it flows very easily and I can understand without much effort. He talked about, in one clip from his QnA, when he bumped into Michael Jackson at the airport one time. And Michael (I don't think he knows who Yoshiki is so I don't get it but...) asked him about his wrist braces and proceeded to ask if he could have some. So Yoshiki gave him some of his wrist braces @@;;
He was really a very nice and funny guy, there were videos of the autograph sessions and he was asking the girl with the camera how to spell her name and he kept messing up and having ot ask again xD; it was so adorable. Made me feel better for missing it.
I mean, come on, no matter what you think of yoshiki, he was a part of a LEGENDARY band, you know?

I also saw a few videos touring his house in LA.
That place is ENORMOUS. FUCK he is loaded!!
His room is huge and he has a scary alarm clock that looks like a cat xD;
And a bathroom the size of my entire apartment @__@ with a huge jacuzzi bathub (and no shower o_o...that I could see...so apparently he takes baths).
And he has a big fridge filled with wine racks, and not one is empty.

Also I saw an interview about 11 and a half minutes long with I think an assistant? I don't know.
But there was one part...she was talking to him about yoshiki.net and how he pulled in millions of hits on one day, and he was about to answer when his intercom goes off. yoshiki listens for a second and goes "take a message" then continues to talk to the lady, then two seconds later the intercom interrupts him AGAIN and he goes "I'll call her back LATER" and tries to answer the question AGAIN. But not more than 4 seconds after that it interrupts them again and yoshiki goes "SHUT UP"
xDDDDD Oh my god, I fell out of my chair laughing. My sides hurt so bad and I thought I would cry. It was too funny. You'll have to find it.
Oh but at the end of that particular clip he was going to play a song on the piano, and he mentioned X Japan's breakup and "my friend's death" and I am SUCH a baby but just listening to him say all that, and knowing he went through it himself, it wasn't that I was crying over "omg hide died". That wasn't it, it was just listening to Yoshiki say it.
And anyway...he said somthing along the lines of dedicating the song to "my friend up in heaven" and when he started to play I couldn't help but tear up. He plays so beautifully.

Yeah, end of my Yoshiki binge rambling. My apologies.

So all in all...I don't think I need friends around here...they're all druggies...again.
And thieves. And liars. And jerks. And attention-whores.
So I'm going to just avoid socialization as much as possible ~_~
It may not be nice and it may fuck up my social skills, but I don't care at this point.


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