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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Monday, August 21, 2006

EVERY fucking time I listen to Reila (its just barely started playing on WMP) I have a heart attack xD
Because at the beginning ruki whispers "Reila" and I always jump really high and freak out like "OMG WHO SAID THAT?!??!"
e_e *moron*

Sooooo today ._.
was umm....boring?
I went to school with my hair back to "normal" as in the ends are now almost back to bleach blonde, except a little more golden because of the remnants of the red dye.
So I'm debating whether or not to dye my hair again tonight and make it all shiny red for tomorrow....hmm....
This girl at school, I swear she hates my guts and I don't know why XDD
She had bleached bangs and she had them purple last week and today she has them bright red.
and I know I'm gonna get shit for dying my hair red tonight like "you only did it because she did"
well newsflash peeps -- Alayna doesn't care :D My hair was red last week and it's gonna be red this week if I want it to be and you can bite me Irish ARSE you geitards.

I actually have been not slacking on my Japanese lately, but with Spanish starting to speed up (fucking school I still can't believe they made me take that class) it's becoming a bit difficult.
Today we were reviewing colors and numbers, and I already know all those because I learned them back in elemntary school Spanish....but I almost said "shiro" instead of "blanco" @__@
(both mean white, only "shiro" is japanese)...yeah so I'm gonna get mixed up a bit for a while I think =/
I'm getting my ass to speed it up with Japanese because I have been slacking off for a long while. I learned 12 kanji in 2 days xDDD
I feel the pride dying though @@;
I just keep writing them over and over until I know each one stroke for stroke
So I have this black notebook filled with kanji and hiragana/katakana...over and over and over and really random phrases written in Japanese (because I do that when I'm bored. I'm lame I know.)
Like...REALLY random. It says "You're gay" somewhere on there xDD and "your mom" e_e told you I'm lame :D

So hmmm...
Sacramento FVT update--
a lot of my good friends saw that concert, they all said it was really bad ):
Dir looked irate and they walked off after the set list without any warning. Like Kyo didn't even announce the last song or say goodbye.
And later on my friends Shou and Kiku went to go see them at the FYE booth (Die and Shinya) and Shou said Die was being an assface @@; (well not in those exact words xD).
Like, he looked really frustrated or something and was really omg-get-this-overwith-already kind of. Toshiya was like that at the Phoenix live, my friend Melissa said, as well.
Shinya is always described to me as a big sweetheart, and he always smiles and says "thank you" really sweetly....):
God I hardly EVER hear anything good about these tours lately, something always goes wrong.
Sorry, dir, hopefully you learn a lesson from this >:O!!!

Now I have to go back to writing my report due tomorrow in English II honors...fucking class e_e

love you all, I wish I could make this longer!


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