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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

REPLIES before i go to school this morning:

HAHA yeah that girl is one of my really good friends in San Jose. Her shirt said "teh Die he likes girls"
I'm amazed the story travleed @@;

HEHEE I dyed HALF hy head red XD
the rest is still bleached :3 NYANYA on you you bitchwad (girl at school, not you hunnybunches *patpat*). Dir will live on, just with added irateness towards the US ~____~
thanks a lot you bitchy fangirls and equally bitchy non-fans. I hate you all.

now im going to go get ready because I have lots of stuff to do before school today and only 30 minutes before i leave for the bus O_O!!!


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