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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Thursday, August 24, 2006

click play I have a new song :D
It's still by (guess who ^____^) <3

I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday, I was at brianna's birthday.
so I decided to go... after a day or two of debating...
She broke up with that asshole Zack (the pothead from the car incident). i don't think I really want to get close to her though, there was this..just...ugh...
okay so it was me, brianna, and 3 guy friends right?
Brandon (one that annoys me), Brandon (with blue hair, we call him Bluey so I'll refer to him as that), and Mitchell (Bluey's best friend).
I just met Mitchell THAT day and brianna just met him two days before then.
During the movie that night? THEY MADE OUT THE WHOLE FUCKING TIME!!
Like I was watching it and then Brandon (annoying one) leans over and goes "what the fuck" and I look over and they're hardcore MAKING the FUCK OUT.
and they didn't stop until an hour and a half later, 10 minutes AFTER the movie was over and we had left them in the theatre by themselves.
I was angry, I mean this is the second time I went out with her anywhere and AGAIN she was just PDAing with a guy.
In public. and I admit I'd probably be a PDA-freak but I wouldn't make out in a movie theatre. A short kiss, and I mean short as in 5 seconds or less. That's as far as I would like to do OR see in publlic.
Maybe I'm a prude (haha yeah right I'm a pervert beyond belief).

So anyway....
pep rally tomorrow. Luckily if you don't want to go to the gym to watch, they let you go to the cafeteria. and they slack off on the dress code tomorrow to let people dress for school "support".
HAHA like I'd do that.
I'm wearing my skirt, my fishnets, my boots (if I can fix them somehow by myself), whatever.
I hope it's not hot tomorrow...

GAH and this kid in Spanish class. FUCKING. ANNOYS ME.
I'm annoyed by idiots, i'm sorry. I'm not annoyed by every human being although it may seem so, just specific people.
Like this kid is like brandon, they both try to crack jokes and be funny but they're gross and dirty (that sounded shallow ahaha ^^;) and so when they make sex jokes I actually GAG.
And they are stupid. and want attention like you wouldn't believe, they are the type who try to act like they are being modest but they are so obviously attempting to brag (about stupid things, mind you).
UGH and anyway this kid in spanish...Russel I think his name is.
He has a crush on me.

Jesus am I THAT hideous??
do I lack a personality THAT much??
am I just SO stupid and annoying that I attract the same kind of people?!
FUCKING CHRIST I hope this is one of those times when opposites attract D: I really hope I'm not that dirty (physically) and annoying and stupid.

I spent the ride home on the bus half asleep with my head leaning on the window...listening to Duel Jewel and just started remembering all these old things...Duel Jewel brings back so many memories, like I'm serious I can't listen to any songs from Lapidary or Vermillion or NOAH without thinking of everyone back home or reliving all the old memories I have with them. Kind of like I can't listen to certain d'espa songs without thinking of Sugoicon and the concert and all those incidents that happened there.

I was afraid I would start crying on the bus, and that's the last thing I wanted so I just closed my eyes and drifted off. I never really slept, just kind of dozed for a while...waking up every few minutes out of instict to make sure my stop wasnt coming up next.

I feel so tired but I have to do all my chores from yesterday since I was gone all day and night after school AND do the ones for today :(
So I have to try not to fall asleep or something....*sigh*

love you all

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