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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Saturday, August 26, 2006

this will be an immature and angry post, fair warning.
so an early[ish] post for the weekend..
It's saturday...

I will probably be going to visit Kentucky next weekend...
meaning I might have to face the ones who made me hurt so much..
But I do have real friends there, Hannah I love you sweetie even though you don't read this blog.
I'll go out with her and Erin and Anthony...and we can go eat at the Asian Buffet and I'll check out the hot employees for the first time in a long while...
and see if I can work up the courage to finally tell the manager (because he likes me a lot and he is a big sweetheart) to inform said employees of their infinite sexiness.

Then just to satisfy my total bitch impulse maybe I'll show up with Hannah at their work, Mcdonalds, because the people (whom i won't name out of sheer respect or maybe sheer anger right now) who hurt me happen to hate her.
And nonchalantly order as if i don't even notice they are there.
Maybe that's a good slap in the face.
"do I know you?" *takes food to table*
and I don't even EAT fast food anymore...
so I'd probably just order a drink.
I'm debating between that and just plain not telling them at all, but since hannah and erin both know them and talk to them on a regular basis at school, it'll get to them and they'll realize "oh wow alayna didnt tell us, hmm how bitchy she must be that little skanky whore"

payback would ease my mind but I don't know if I should reduce myself to doing it.
What do you guys think?
show up at their work and ignore them or just don't tell them anything at all?
I still think they deserve it...

flaunt my fucking sexpot revenge purse in their faces.
yeah they are all jealous big time of the people I know in the Jrock fandom. they think I flaunt the facts that I know certain people, and I DON'T brag about it to them I'm just extremely happy when said people offer me things or offer to get me things that are hard to get!
I am not a naturally 'boasty' kind of person, I just like to talk about things that make me happy.

oh yeah...and the sexpot revenge purse?
Hannah bought it for me.
I didn't even ASK her and she didnt even tell me about it unti lafter she bought it o_o
She calls up one day and says "what's your address hun?"
and i was like "umm...*tells*...whyyy?"
"no reason, I'll call you back later bye."

and a couple days later she calls back up and says "You like sexpot revenge right?"
"yeah it's my favorite bra--- O_O HANNAH YOU DIDNT!!!"
"expect a package in a few days ^_^"

It's a nice little purse, I was so happy when it arrived yesterday. It's real black leather and smells so good, and it's small but has lot of compartments and pockets.
The front is covered in large cone studs and has a hanging chain across it, along with a patch with the sexpot logo and some kickass classic sexpot engrish.
I switched from my kuroneko purse directly into that one, I can't stop just holding it I'm so happy.
but at the same time I'm still like--
hannah you crazy wanker, you actually bought me something worth about $50 from my FAVORITE brand without my CONSENT and I still LOVE it to death
XDDD I am so buying her a fucking car or something for christmas.
i owe her BIGTIME for that.

back to the point of the post...i think...
Should I satisfy my taste for vengance? haha that sounded so gay.
I just want them to know how much they hurt me, in a mature way (as mature as possible anyway0.
So one of those two ways may work well enough ~_~
I wanna see them though, if not to give them absolute proof that I was indeed there and did NOT tell them about it.
then not talk to them as much as I could.
i think I will.

I'm mean.
can't help it.
don't care.

I have to go clean now because mother is bitching

this made my day better.
Does anyone else just LOVE how he plays guitar? I want this just as a sound clip, I am in love with how it sounds. IN LOVE WITH IT.
I like how he slaps it while strumming, I don't know I just really like it.

I'd love to se Miyavi live, just because of the energy I know exists at his lives. He is so full of energy and it shows through everything he does.
I mean, yeah I know many people (including some of my friends) who hate him to the death, and that's fine lol.
Like...yeah I'll admit he is a gorgeous man, in my opinion--
but I really love his voice, it's so strange but you can immediately tell it's him when he starts singing or talking.
And you have to admit he's good with guitar, haha.
I don't know I just seem to like people and things that sound (or sometimes that look)...different..
The masses of raging fangirls going "OH EM GEE I WANT YOUR BABIES!" would annoy me after ten minutes but umm...I can deal. If I must.
I had to deal with the flaming otaku at sugoicon for 16 hours the day of Sugoicon for a total of about 2 and a half hours of seeing D'espairs Ray (photos/autographs/live). So if I can deal with that, I can deal with the rest.....I hope o_O;

one last video to make us all smile-

aahhh Yomi. You own my icon AND this video. XDDD
one of my favorite songs too ;D yessums, it is. He is such a goofball.

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