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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Sunday, August 27, 2006

a post at 2 am!
i should be in bed
but talking to kiku always keeps me up for hours

my dad will kill me if he catches me.

here are quick pics i took via webcam of my purse.
i took them to show my friend melissa but i figure ill let you see too :D
I love it to death!

the whole purse as best as i could get

amazing sexpot ReVeNGe logo xDDDD

this was the bag it came in, i pinned it to my wall. I was gonna throw it out but the engrish owned me xDDD

there's the engrish

my sexy bag, yessums.

now off to bed soon before kiku kills me *dying of laughter*


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