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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Friday, September 1, 2006

I'm glad those videos let people know what went on, and not rumors and misconceptions...
he DId throw up, however, and he DID go to the hospital, just to clarify.
But he's out, and it's not that big of a deal anymore.
I know he must still be feeling it though, because I haven't gotten this completely clarified yet but I do think he got a concussion.
Though i don't KNOW so don't take that like, super seriously.
I really hope they lay off the drinking, or at least him, because a hangover is the LAST thing he needs with that e_e

I'm cooking pizza.
I'm so going to regret it because I'll probably eat the whole thing.
I'm so hungry, I can't help it. and I've been SO stressed lately (two posts ago I talk about it) and I stress/boredom-eat all the time D:
It used to be the opposite, last summer I hardly ate at all, I ate under 400 cals each day if possible.
God I wish I still had that self control...

this freshman kid keeps HITTING ON ME >:O FUCkING CHRIST
Yesterday he said i was beautiful, then today he was STARING at me and I tried to act like I didn't notice, but then he said "I just noticed you have the most beautiful green eyes" and I'm like "...uh...thank youuu" *goes back to drawing*
I was screaming "NOT INTERESTED" in my mind, and my body language. He opened a door and I went through the door next to it, opening it myself. and I don't talk to him much.
I'm trying to get my fucking point across, KID I AM NOT INTERESTED IN YOU, GET OVER IT.
i'm so sick of people I DON'T like having stupid crushes on me.
And they are always losers. with no lives.
who just think I'm hot (which, by the way, i TOTALLY don't get. Because like...even if I'm not "ugly" I KNOW I'm not "hot" so WTF).
And I'm so sick of it, I'm dead convinced i'll be single until I graduate.
I'm not even exaggerating or being dramatic.
I probably won't, because I'm not exactly PICKY...like..
I just know what I DON'T want. And that's all I see right now..sooo...sorry if i'm shallow, I can't do it.
And if I'm not physically attracted to someone, I just can't date them.
I know it's horrible, but I hate being touched except by close friends or relatives.
And a boyfriend would have to be attractive to some degree...like they don't have to be freakishly sexy (though obviously I wouldn't complain ;D), but at least not dirty (as in unclean)...
yeah sorry, this past few days the whole "dating/relationship/abstinence" guy made me all sad about being single again

I can't go to KY, I said that before...I'm still upset, but I guess I will have to wait...

Probably won't go to PMX (the convention in LA) because the people i thought were going are not going, or that's how it looks right now.
I have yet to be positive.

OHHH and I got into an arguement with this kid in spanish.
the annoying guy I complain about a lot.
He said "I'm homophobic" and I was like O_O and whipped my head around.
I was not going to say anything because it's non of my business, but my mouth works faster than my brain when it comes to the "gay thing".
I went "YOU'RE WHAT?!" and continued to bitch him out ._.;
It wasn't right, because we all have our own opinions, but I can't STAND people who discriminate.
Like...UGH. Carlos Mencia, is pretty damn cool. Yes. I like him.
But people who SERIOUSLY do it, I HATE them. which is ironic because that's like saying "I hate hate".
And then he asked me and this girl what we thought about gay marriage and we both were for it, he opened his mouth after sneering and I knew what he was going to say so I went "If you say ONE bullshit excuse about hating gay marriage I swear I'll hate you for life"
He shut up.
But that still wasn't right of me to say.
It felt good to say, I'll admit that.
He said "read the bible".
that pissed me off. Like you wouldnt believe.
i wasn't right to get so mean to him because I believe everyone can think freely but fuck I can't help it.
I get REALLY worked up and pissed off when people tell me "homos are wrong" or something stupid like that.
OHHH I get so pissed off.
Yeah I could go on about it for hours but I won't...
I'm going to go eat the pizza *coughs*fat*coughs*


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