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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Saturday, September 2, 2006

My dad for some reason foudn my MyO on his computer and called me into the living room and went "what the hell are you watching?!?!" *indicates my icon*
I acted the innocence and went "umm...what do you mean ._.?"
I was just happy he didnt read my blogs, I mean I understand parental nosiness but these are like my JOURNALS, and I would be really angry and really upset if he had read them.

PMS is a bitch.
For serious.
I ate so much shit yesterday, a whole pizza (the small frozen ones, but still a whole one nontheless), a bowl of cereal, a bag of popcorn, the rest of the toffee ice cream...fuck.
And i was really testy, I wore totally mismatching and stupid clothes to SLEEP in last night and my dad started laughing and said something about it and i got SO upset and now that I think about it I'm mad at myself for it...

Melissa is so fun, I talk to her every day xDDD
I love her to death, she is hilarious and really cool to talk to. And we don't just talk about Jrock, we can talk about anything, we have the same opinion on just about everything
God I hate having friends so far away.
Like ALL my friends live in different states ~_~
Including the ones I actually have known for years and hang out with in person.
like...jesus christ I wish my family worked for Delta, maybe I should work for delta...then I could get free airfare and travel and see everyone :DD
Hmmm...maybe I should...during college or something.
I'm hoping to go to college in california, like this art school in San Jose maybe. Or UCLA, but I really want to go to San Jose, it's near San Francisco and not nearly as scary as LA ._.;;;;
and I have family near San Francisco and a few really good friends in San Jose (though one is moving to Korea at the end of the year D: Pooooo on you Crystal)
and then maybe I could get a job at Delta to help pay it off...I'm working on scholarships right now (hello fastweb!).
I'm actually not going to start really applying to any until next year (My junior year).
I know this lady in our apartments who is an art teacher, and she is a hardcore christian school art teacher so some of my drawings scared her a bit, but she said i have good talent and by the time I'm old enough for college I should good enough to be able to apply for the art school :D!!
And my art teacher in first period loves me now HAHA WHAT NOW BIZZATCH.
She gives me special assignments and I don't have to do the other assignments everyone else is doing xDDD Sweet deal, i say.
She said she thinks I should be in Art 2, and I told her it wasn't a big deal and I'll live in Art 1 since I never finished it anyway, I could do with a good review of technique.
But at the beginning of the year I talk a lot and I have this TERRIBLE tendancy to talk like a valley girl xDD;;;
Only around my friends and when I get excited.
I don't even mean to, it just happens! I don't talk like it around my parents, just my friends @@;;
my mom thinks I'm "dumbing myself down" Dx why would I do that?!?! It's just me getting excited and letting out, that's all..
anyway she told me (my art teacher) i was annoying o_o; about the second day of school.
but since she moved everyone around to permanent seats and I'm away from my friends I don't talk as much. I just listen to my mp3 player and draw, and she likes my art a lot *wriggles*
I get so many compliments on it and I can't deny it makes me feel better about things when people think it's good.
OH!!! speaking of which!!! please go look at my art page, I updated it with some new stuff last night.
I love constructive criticism, tell me if you like them and why, or if I need to improve on something.
Here is the link so you don't have to scroll allll the way to my profile and find it (HINT HINT GO LOOKIE PLEASSSE D:)
Click click CLICK
tell me how bad I am if you want to, just as long as you tell me how I can improve!!!

I'm gonna go now i have chores to do and I want to keep my mom in a good mood e_e


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