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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Tuesday, September 5, 2006

:( where is everyone? My momo-chan? anybody? *echoes*

I feel sick..
I am ashamed of myself, I eat too much.
I'm going to get so fat
I'm shallow I guess, to always be CONSTANTLY worried about weight...but I do not want to be fat.
I dont.
well...fatTER *rolls eyes*

And this fucking kid on myspace i added out of pity keeps hitting on me
and I am so sick of people hitting on me
because they are always gross and moronic and total idiots
And it makes me literally want to puke
I think there is something wrong with me
if that's all I attract.
And I want to scream at them "LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE"
but I'm too nice and I just try to ease t hem off gently
but it never works...they just think I'm being nice because I want them
this freshman at lunch. FUCK HIM
he has a crush on me and I fucking hope he just lays off
I am not interested in him
he's a moron
and I don't like him anyways, even as a friend.
he annoys me to an extent I didn't even know existed.
I just look around down here and like
fucking christ I'm alone here
sounds dumb and cliche right?
but i do
I'm not close to anyone here and I've been here since January
I don't want to befriend anyone here, though I keep lots of aquaintances and I call them "friends" when referring to them just to save time and explanation.
But I'm not really 'friends' with any of them.
let alone would I be a girlfriend to any of the guys around here.
fuck. no.
I'm disgusted by everyone around here, to the point of nausea.
Maybe it's just because it's been a long day and I feel sick right now
maybe it's just my raging hormones since I do have PMS right now
that might be part of it
who knows. I'm just pissy and not in a good mood at all.
I put on a false front during school without even realizing it.
I only see the mask after I take it off, when I get home to my empty apartment and have no one to hide from.
up until about 6:00 when my dad gets home.
I want to move back. with all my heart
I say it so often, but I mean it.
I would do anything to either move back home to Kentucky, or move to San Jose, Cali.
moving to Cali. would save me the trip across the country for college, since I want to go to a college in Cali. anyway.

yeah I'll stop rambling now
god I'm just in such a bad mood
I feel so stupid and ugly and nauseous


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