I'm so tired
sorry if this is short...
I'll make up for it in pictures...
speaking of pictures
I should put a better one up of me in my profile >:O!!!
we had a guest speaker in wellness today.
actually all the wellness classes plus the cosmetology class (which had Brianna in it) came too.
We all went to the gym....
it was a very sad discussion ):
about suicide.
I had to literally stop myself from crying, i felt my eyes welling up a few good times during the hour she was there.
But I never let them escape my eyes...I didn't want my makeup to run *rolls eyes*
Hahaa I think I got my best friend from Utah to listen to Jrock
I always have a Jrock song on my Myspace, if not like an entire playlist.
She's liked Panic Channel every time I put up Panic*CH songs (their oshare "side").
Right now I have "One's Life" up.
and I checked the bulletins I missed earlier today while I was at school, and saw she had updated her song with a song by Ancafe!!
hahaaa I giggled a little bit >__<
Now I'm gonna tease her.
Ohh...my mom is going to Utah...again.
I wish I could go...I wanted to go last time she went.
I want to go visit my old elementary school and middle school teachers.
and my old friends.
I want to see the look on my teachers faces when they see me now, and how much I've changed.
like i said...I owe you guys pictures now...

guess who?
One hint. My idol<3
lol. He looks so beautiful, even in a Tshirt. God he always just puts me in awe...I can't even fathom what it must be like to meet him, though lots of my friends have (those bitches. haha kidding ^^). I can't imagine what I'd do other than probably ask for a hug in my sweetest most innocent american girl voice/manner. and then break down crying on his shoulder and make him extremely uncomfortable. Because I'm lame like that, I guess. haha..no seriously I probably will end up crying. I hope I don't upset anyone ):

hehehhhhhhh I love this picture.
so kinky. and sexyyyy. *arousal?!* heh heh heh
it used to be my MyS backround xDDDD but then I changed it.
though its still on my profile somewhere ;)

Die...*shakes head* that's just wrong.
on so many levels.
sexy body though. haha. i'm not even a "die fan" or whatever you want to refer to it as e_e
but he does have a nicely shaped body :)

XD keheee. Panic*CH. well...old Pani*CH :( *sad day*
Kana!!! My 'hair idol' :DD
lol!! Josi likes Pink Cherry, I know that much kehehehehehehe.

Aww...I love this picture. Just because it's so beautiful. Not because "woohoo it's smexy yaoi mansecks lolz" *rolls eyes and laughs*
But like...I don't know, it's just a gorgeous picture, and they are both such beautiful men.
I was never a HUGE fan of Gazette's music, still not really. I mean I don't dislike them at all, I just like them a little bit, some of their songs. haha.
But I can't deny that they are all extremely attractive guys.
okay that should take up enough room...lol
I have this nasty burn on my right forearm from last Friday.
It looks like I took a dipped pumpkin cutter (like an ice cream scoop) and cut this huge gash into my skin.
I pulled off the blister when I burned it on Friday because I'm stupid, and it's been all infected and now it just this gaping, inlafmed hole. Ew. It's like fucking almost three inches long. It's disgusting Dx
and some chick asked if I cut myself when the bandage fell of it e_e *rolls eyes*
I don't blame her for asking though, that's so common nowadays (and beyond stupid, but we won't get into that) and it does look like a knife wound sooo...I wasn't extremely mad or offended lol.