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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Friday, September 8, 2006

today was kind of blahhh
But this morning omg I was SO happy.
I was standing in the lobby of the school and I was wearing my X Japan shirt with hide on the front and talking to someone, and this girl runs up to me and goes "I love your shirt!!! hide rocks!!" and I went O_________O and like, hugged her to death.
We talked until the bell rang and I had to literally RUN to class since 1st period is across the campus.
She loves Kaoru, and she fucking saw DLQ, lucky whore!!!!
We're definitely talking more, she seems nicer and not whorey than most "friends" I've made.
i hope I'm not just getting my hopes up, but she really did seem very nice.
She's a freshman, hahaaa none of my friends that I LIKE are really my age xD
a few, yeah, but most are either younger or older...MUCH older in some cases O_O

But by the time third period rolled around, which was Gym today...I was SOOO hoping me and my partner wouldnt have to play badminton today since we played literally ALL period last time we had gym :(
then we had to play and I was like -_- *siiiiigh* but I wasn't really that mad, I figured I'd just get it overwith.
the girls we had to play against were total whores. They kept whispering and looking at us and were s erving like fucking WUSSES, just so we couldn't hit it. they would like, tap it so it would fall just over the serve line, or they would hit it so hard RIGHT at me or him (my partner) that I had no time to hit it, it would go whizzing past my head, like BARELY missing me.
so I was getting PISSED off, and I have PMS really bad so I was already VERY irate. And I kept spiking it right at them >(
we won, so me and my partner walked off to the bleachers, I was grumbling about "fucking wussyass serves" the whole time, and he was laughing.
But THEN not more than about 2 minutes after I sat down, the coach comes over and says something like:
"the only match I have scheduled is for team #4 and #13 (me and my partner are team #13.), but if you guys don't want to play you can sit here."
i'm about to just go "I'm staying" but my partner goes "We're in :D"
and I screamed "EXCUSE ME?!" and we argued for a minute before I finally just jumped off the bleachers and stormed over to the court.
We were teamed up against this tiny little kid and a huge tall kid o_o
And one of them served to me and I ended up spiking it and nearly smashing the little kid in the face (hey, i wasnt aiming for him, and he moved anyway e_e). They all went oO;;
and could obviously tell I was pissed.
I kept leering and screaming at them to hurry the fuck up, which was mean but I wasn't worried about it, I was just really mad at the time and thus not thinking very correctly...
So THEN, the same thing happened that had happened LAST time we played.
We had to finish the game, nearly 5 minutes after everyone else had left to get dressed.
I threw down my racket when we were 13 to 14 (game ends when someone scores 15) and just bitched out one of them for being an ass, then told them I quit and sat there and watched.
Then coach made me pick it back up so i just held it and then when we left I slammed it into the bin where the rackets are kept.
Yeah I've been a total bitch today :(
Oh did I mention--
my partner accidentally smacked me in the eye with his racket?
There is a small bruise at the outer corner/bottom rim of my right eye now. he apologized fervently and i wasn't mad at HIM but it certainly heated me up a bit.

Ugh I need midol or something -_-;;

Yeah so anyway...
I know I passed both my English and Spanish tests today :)
that makes me excited.

OH OH OH!!!!
My friend Nicole is on exchange in Osaka, she is friends with my friend shae, they both live in Michigan normally.
and anyway Nicole sent me a HUGE thick envelope full of drawngs and letters and I just got it yesterday, straight from Japan!!!!!!!!!! ^_^
I literally ran to the mailbox when my mom told me I had a letter from Osaka in it.
And I have one of her drawings, my favorite one she sent to me, in the back cover of my binder.
She is SO good. she draws anime so well, in her own style too, not like..."conventional" anime. I'm so extremely jealous.
I love that girl though, I'm working on making her a big thick envelope of stuff ^_^
But then I think "oh god i suck, she's so good, UGH"
So I'm gonna try to draw her Miku this weekend, she loves miku xD

umm...that's about it.
i've been in a really crappy mood since gym, but it keeps changing.
mood swings BIG TIME.
and i couldnt really warn the guys I was playing badminton with WHY i was being such a huge bitch, because I'm sure they do not want to know abot my menstrual cycle ._.;;

thats it for now


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