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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


yesterday and today was horrible...
like severely horrible.
Today worse though. Ew.

I got called out of class to the office in first period Art because evidently I was tardy for class 4 times and like, NEVER knew about it.
I didn't even know I had ONE tardy.
We're allowed three tardies to first period before we're written up, and we're not allowed any tardies at all to our other classes before we're written up.
But anyway, the principal gave me detention anyway and said I had to convince my teacher to pass the tardies away before I could get out of it. I was so pissed I had to FORCE myself not to start screaming at the principal or my teacher.
I know they could tell I was angry though, I walked back to Art, though everyone had been moved to second period by then, and waited for the teacher to get there.
As soon as she showed up I asked her when have I EVER been tardy, and it was so hard not to start yelling and screaming, and my eyes had started to well up because I do NOT get in trouble. I do NOT get
And she told me I had three this week, and one from last month. I was so confused.
So then I had to go get a pass to get to 2nd block.
I showed up and ended up throwing my messenger bag at my desk. But then I remembered that I have a lot of these passes that we get in art, and if you have 3 then you get a free tardy.
I had to keep my tears down, because I'll admit I was terrified, I didn't want a detention on my record and I didn't want to get into trouble.
So I asked our substitute in that class if i could go back and talk to my teacher, and she let me.
and I did, in the end, convince her to take away the tardies. I had 6, which means I should have had only 2 taken off, but she took off 3 and said it was because "I'm a good girl and I am an excellent art student".
But for some reason I was still really down all day, especially by 3rd period. We had a speaker on eating disorders in there today...and anyone who knows me from last summer knows I had issues with this, and hearing her talk about her own eating disorder and all sorts of symptoms made me think of myself and again I almost started to fucking cry.
I am scared of crying in school, so I swallowed it down again.

Just a bad day e_e

and this kid wants me to go to church with him tonight.
I'm not christian.
And I hate going to church, I've been to it at least 50 times in the past and I really hate it.
I am REALLY uncomfortable in churches...and I promised him I'd go just because he really wanted me to but in all actuality I really don't want to and especially not now. I don't feel good and I'm not in a good mood and I know I'll get in big trouble for SOMETHING.

what else...
quote of the day people---
"I'm a fawking rawkstaa beetch"
*dies laughing*

oh and I got straight As, first time in my entire LIFE, on our mid-semester progress report.
This is only because I have easy classes this semester: Art, English 2 honors, Wellness, Spanish 1 standard.
So I'm doing well, but next semester I have biology and algebra 1 and I'm going to DIE.

okay that's enough rants, I'm sorry I wish I could bring more interesting things to share D:


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