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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Thursday, September 14, 2006

I've been exhausted ever since Monday.
like falling down, weak legs, eyes too heavy to force open, unable to concentrate on anything, FUCKING TIRED.

Again, I'm sneaking onto my dad's computer...
I can't wait until my momgets home tomorrow, her laptop comes home with her >:(

I just found out as well that Dolly, Katie, and Jen all went to FVT on Tuesday.
I had no idea, I thought they weren't going.
I was planning on maybe going with them a couple weeks ago but they weren't going to go...
It's not their fault I guess, I'm just jealous, that's probably all.
I feel left out, like all of my friends get to say "yeah i saw them live and met __ and ___" or w/e
It's not that I'm like, obsessed with meeting them, I didn't want to go to FVT in the first place.
But if they were gonna go I would have liked to have gone with those 3..(well, Jen and Dolly. I'm still mad at the other...person..)
And I figure I'll just catch their next solo tour, since the Duel Jewel concert didn't work out (yes i was going to go to one but they are'nt coming) and I Dir didnt come to the FVT in nashville.
I'll have to ask my parents if they'll let me go...besides a solo concert is 35509458094543584053 times better.
Longer, more energy and effort, less crappy bands I care nothing about, and no people who aren't there to see Dir.

I talked to Dolly briefly last night, she made a comment that I hadn't even thought of myself until that moment.
She said "I just wish you could have fun for once"
and it hit me that I haven't had really any true fun since I had last been in Kentucky.
Months and months ago.
I didn't even realize that until Dolly said something and I had to let it sink in for a moment before I could actually take it for the truth..

Hmm...I should go...I can't think of anything else to say e_e
sorry guys, pathetic short post.
here is a picture to make up for it?

yeah its a bit belated. tanjoubi omodetou meever~~
i had no idea he was part korean, my friend Crystal told me he was but i didnt believe her. but he is xDDD
like either 1/2 or 1/4 i dont quite remember.

oh and one more because it was a very VERY special someone's birthday a few days ago too ^^

Isn't his smile ADORABLE? I love this kid xD (okay so he's like...5 or 6 years older than me. shut up xD)

my commentary XDD =
Hayato turns ghetto....I see london, I see france...WTF LMAO
Val and Yuya = badass bodyguards yo
natsuki looks so adorable as always XD he reminds me of a puppy :B

yeah that made me slightly happier xD

OH i almost forgot.
PE was fucking HELL.
i didnt know we had the gym today i thuoght it was health, so i wore my thick platforms.
And like 7 or 8 other girls, basically all girls except 3, didnt dress out either and the fucking coach was a total fucking ASSHOLE and made us walk back and forth until the other kids left for lunch. Then he lectures us on how we all lied and he basically thinks we conspired to do this. Like it was a plan.
Fucking dick, I was so exhausted already, like I said earlier in this post, that I kept almost falling asleep leaning on the wall.

gah enough enough.
baii guys


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