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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Thursday, September 21, 2006

First I wanna say, thanks so much to everyone who tried to make me feel better yesterday, the smallest of words really did help...

Today was okay :)
I felt better...
Brianna...*sigh* I don't know what to think of her.
I think I just pity her to be honest...I don't want to hurt her because she does have a lot of problems, and those problems add to her actions that I deem unnecessary and unnacceptable...
This morning she was upset, REALLY upset, sobbing and then took off and me and a couple other friends and her boyfriend who is also my friend went looking for her.
We ended up being late for class, but I knew she was hurting and I hate to see anyone hurting that bad so I waited until she was ready to get up.
and my first block (as well as Brianna's and Brandon's who was with us) was art and i explained it to my teacher and she let brandon and brianna sit by me and we made her feel better.

English was fun, we had to draw a scene from Pit and the Pendulum (I love Edgar Allen Poe!) and I drew the 7 candles sitting on the table at the trial.
It was actually not that good and drawn really quick and you could see the strokes and everything but I guess it would be good to people who cant draw that well =/
I didn't mean that in a mean way I'm just saying...I know I'm good at drawing (though there are SO many people better than me).
She taped them all up on the wall yesterday and she was talking about them this morning and said that lots of people asked about mine >.<;

I was kind of embarassed because everyone looked at the drawing then looked at me.
I blush easily ._. .....

Ummm...third period was okay...nothing special e_e
I overheard some stupid freshman girl drama. "Oh her self tanner was uneven hehehe she's ugly hehehe"
I hate high school girls.
*is one* ....oh yeah....damn it.

Totally passed my Spanish test yesterday.
I'm acing that class, even if I do occasionally catch myself mixing it up with Japanese (several times today I tried to add "wa" between some words xDDD;)

I saw a really cute guy on MTV yesterday o_O;;....weird...
it was that "Parental control" show. Yes I watch that. i watch Next.
Because I'm a loser :D
He was Asian (so sue me, I can't help it) and had longish hair (to his shoulders) and was built like Natsuki. And he worked at a coffee shop ;D he was cute.

I'm exhausted...it's taken me like half an hour to write this because I'm losing concentration and staring off into space a lot.

Oh I am using a picture of Shun in a mosaic for art..i started it today.
This is the picture I'm using--

Sorry it's so big.
We had to blow it up REALLY huge. Like it takes up nearly 6 pieces of paper.
Everyone's pictures were blown up really huge.
I just got started, hopefully I can finish at least his face by tomorrow =/

I should go I really lost any point I had in this post....@__@

And he was wearing a cool shirt haha.

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