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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Friday, September 22, 2006

beware -- THE RABID PENIS :O
yeah umm...the title....
inside joke. You don't want to know. Trust me.

So there is a slight break in Staph Infection around our county. Being the extreme hypochondriac that I am, I now carry hand sanitizer with me everywhere I go.

First period I finished Shun's eye :DDD
I am gonna work on his hair i think, on monday. or maybe his lips =/
hmmm....I dunno, I'll figure it out ^^;
Brianna and Brandon and I had fun talking, we're such perverts though and the people next to us were listening.
They knew we were aware of their eavesdropping, but I told them I didn't care and if anything we said scarred them for life then it was their own fault for listening ;)
Brandon annoys me though sometimes e_e
just says stupid stuff and tells me about his SEX LIFE with his girlfriend (whom i happen to think is really ugly and it sounds mean but thinking of her in a sexual way makes me gag).
Me and Brianna kept going "OKAY WE ARE SO NOT TALKING ABOUT THIS" and he just kept talking -_-;

then hmmm...
second block English was okay I guess.
Nothing important really...

third block was just blah, we worked on our health project due on monday and thats about it.

Every day now I run to the main building to eat lunch. I have 3rd block in the annex building (this building across campus that is usually for freshman but I have to have 2 classes over there).
and Brianna and a few other people i know have that same lunch as me so i go over there to see them.
You know that feeling you get when everyone else around you hates you or thinks you're stupid?
Oh. my. god.
I get that EVERY time I'm around that group.
I'm not a druggie and I'm not a whore so they have nothing to talk to me about.
and I get good grades.
Oh darn I'm actually trying to CARE about my life, silly me, what a loser I am e_e *rolls eyes*

4th block was SO fun today. It's Spanish.
And we had a substitute and she was hilarious, an elderly lady but she was still so funny. This girl looked at me and goes "hey whats an actors name and age?"
me: "...wha?"
girl: "i just need an actor i dont care who."
me: "uhhh...Johnny Depp is 42?"
girl: "okay!...how do you spell that?"
and everyone busted up laughing haha.
The teacher was teasing her about it all day xD;
We played some freakish spanish Bingo thing heheee.
She overheard me saying something about Japanese being easier than Korean or something..oh no wait I was talking about Spanish and Japanese and how I could pronounce Spanish easily because it's the closest in pronounciation to Japanese.
And the teacher says "oh you speak japanese?" and i didnt hear but i said "yesssss" b/c im weird and its just habit for me to randomly say "yess" i guess @@;
and then i took out a headphone and went "wait wha?"
and she said "say something for me ^^ like...hello how are you"
me: ._. ...uhh...hajimemashite?
teacher: oohh I took Judo and we had to learn 1-20 ^^
me: o.O whoa

hahaaa yes.
OH and on the bus!! the bus is always a LOT of fun because I'm really loud and obnoxious and I can scream and cuss and laugh as loud as i want to xD
people on the bus know me and my friend Heather because we are so LOUD and talk aboutu really graphic..."bad things" oo;
and there is this ADORABLE Korean boy on the bus, like he is SOOOO CUTE. He reminds me of a puppy (in fact we refer to him as puppy boy) and every day me and heather are always like "awwwww >___<" at him
and today I was talking to heather about the korean pop blaring from the headphones xD;
and i was mentioned Dong bang Shin ki and Kim Jong Kook and Seo Taiji and SE7EN and the kid taps me on the shoulder and said something and i looked over like :o "eeh?"
adorable little korean boy: "you have korean songs?" *insert strong korean accent*
me: "ooh! :D yes i do"
adorale little korean boy: ":D oh!" *sits back down*
I was like "awwwwwwwwwwwwwww" xD
He looked so cute when he asked, why do young little asian boys always look confused?
xD HAHA aahhh that kid is so cute...
I wanna run up to him and ruffle his fluffy hair LMAO

Aaahh finally the weekend *yawns*
I'm gona go take out the dog and then take a nap, I'm SO exhausted.

love you all ;)

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