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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Sunday, September 24, 2006

I'm sorry I don't comment much.
Fact is I really do read updates often...I just never know what to say.
I'm sorry.
I know I hate it when people do that to me...
I just feel like I'm inadequate or something when I can't think up a long, fabulous comment full of great advice.

Parents are out to breakfast.
They invited me along but I'm too disgusted with myself at the moment to let my body HAVE any food.
The last I thing I need to do is engorge myself with more fat ~_~

I don't want to go to school tomorrow...I have this big presentation thing in Health and I hate presenting in front of a class ;_;
I get so stage fright that I tremble, and not just a little unnoticable tremble, I fucking shake so hard that my voice is altered by it.
I wish school would just let us do assignments alone, partners not involved, and people wouldn't call on me.
I really would enjoy it then. I hate dealing with people and I hate being the center of attention.
I almost cry I get so nervous, I just absolutely loathe having everyone look at me and know that whatever I do will be seen.
It terrifies me.

I'm going to go finish Ayashi no Ceres
I ordered the last dvd and it came on Friday e_e
I might as well finish the series.
it's the only anime I've seen in a long time, I'm not as interested anymore. I still like it but I won't go out of my way to see it or anything like I used to.
Yeah, I don't know what I'm still on this site either.
Just to keep in contact with a few close friends I have...if it weren't for them being on here I would have deleted this blog months ago, I almost did a few times but then realized that it's the only way I'll ever contact them since they don't really have any other way.

I'm watching the Chronicles of Narnia
haha actually it's the very end where they are all grown up and go back
I'm sorry but if that happened to me and i went back to the normal world I'd be plain PISSED off.
I'd shove myself back into that closet so fast I'd get splinters.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go eat some ice.


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