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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

school today was okay.
We did this fundraiser thing over the past few weeks and our second period class (English 2 honors for those who have not memorized my schedule xD!) won pizza and a movie and whatever.
I normally don't eat a lot during the day but this morning I had a pop tart from a friend at school (who i JUST found out liked some Jpop/rock and even Korean stuff like Super Junior :DDDDD!!!!!!), then like 3 pieces of pizza (when normally if we do have pizza at hoem I only eat about one or two tops), and a half a bag of skittles in 4th period.
Then I ate a bowl of spinach when I got home (yes I love spinach. bite me ^^)

Ugh my tummy.

A few days ago I went on this anime-drawing kick lmao
here is one of the things i did, it's not the best but I haven't watched much anime or drawn ANY anime in months. Nearly a year.
Soooo....apologies for that.

Ne, it looks strange xD
I went piercing-happy *many hearts*

Oh and I brought my Moi Dix Mois 'scars of sabbath' dvd and my dvd with Code of Vulgar[ism] and Malice Mizer and Duel Jewel on it to school today.
B/c Brianna brings her laptop >:D
We watched them in the morning before classes started and at lunch again.
I learned a few more people knew who Dir en grey was and was happy about it.
My friend Phillip (he's a funny guy) saw it and went "Dir en grey??? Those guys ROCK" and I was like :O!!! "YOU KNOW THEM?!"
he is gonna pay me to get him some music ;D
yesss I need the money for Sugoicon.
Yes I'm going if all is in my favor.
I don't want to really but I wanna see my friends and plus I need to raid Jpophouse and say hi to my friend Kailey (she works for them and her sister is a close friend of mine).
She's gonna sell me signed Duel Jewel merchandise 8DDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!

today I got in a stupid argument with a few middle schoolers and a couple freshman on my bus about religion.
My friend Heather started it (unintentionally) by asking some random person "SO what are YOUR views on homosexuallls?" just playing around or whatever (our senses of humor are not common ._.;) and this BIG argument ensued on spirituality.
Ugh I hate people.
um. First of all, don't you dare comdemn me, you dumbass, you have no right to do that.
Second of all, you didn't even KNOW what Polytheistic meant until you heard me discuss it with Heather.
Shove your ignorant, close-minded, stubborn opinions up your tight fucking ass and please get a grip on reality.
I respect your beliefs, please respect mine.
I don't care if you think I'm wrong, I don't care if you disagree with everything I think.
I'm not fucking trying to "conform" you to be like me.
If you have nothing good to say, or even things you think are wrong about it but in a MATURE manner then please keep your trap SHUT.

jesus fucking christ.
(wow the irony in that just about made my brain break)

the end :D


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