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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Saturday, September 30, 2006

yeah well...it's been a rather uneventful few days without an update.
I could rant on about a few people/things but I don't feel like it at the moment...
so...in replacement, here is a PV I found beautiful. Enjoy it.

Asagi (vocalist of D) made a new solo single.
he has a GORGEOUS voice, I must admit.
It's so smooth and the atmosphere of this PV was so nice.
Though his wings beat the wrong way xD;; Am I the only one who noticed this?

Anyway hmm...I'm debating on Sugoicon.
JPH will be there and I want to say hi to Kailey (I never know if I mention her or not, she works for JPH). Well really Shannon, her sister, is a good friend of mine...but Kailey is still nice and is selling me some of her signed DJ stuff :D
So I want to see her.
And Hannah.
I'm scared to see Katie because I'm still a bit mad at her and I really don't want to deal with her drama right now.
Jen is STILL not getting over her Hannah B.S. drama so I don't want to run into her while I'm with Hannah.
and yes Jen, Katie, Dolly, and Bunra will all be at Sugoicon.
Sadly enough so will MANY other people I happen to loathe with all my heart :D
But I can flaunt. Because I feed my ego that way.
I suck, I know.

hearts to you all

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