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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

le sigh D:
I missed the bus today hahaha.
I was with Heather and we both missed it.
Woopsie O_O;

So we got a ride home with her dad ^^
He was really funny.

Parent Teacher conferences are on Thursday. I am doing good so I'm not worried *yawns*
I don't have school Thursday OR Friday :D

I've been exhausted for days.
Scratch that.

I had a terrifying nightmare a few days ago...like, Stephen King or Saw status horrifying.
One part there was this bathtub and this lady sleeping against the edge of it, and it was a worms eye view, like if it had been a camera itd be looking up from the floor.
And I saw blood start to bubble over the top of the tub and these dark blue-grey rotted hands clamp over the sides and this head of knotted black hair rise up over the edge.
And the hands wrapped around the womans face, more like clamped. Like really suddenly.
She couldn't scream, it was muffled behind the hands.
The vision of the dream kept snapping back and forth between these really gross images.
Like the hands that had clamped around the woman, then to those same hands gripping eyeballs from the bottom of the blood-filled bathtub, and more I don't remember.
Then it snapped to the tub being clean and the woman showering in it, but the spout was shooting out streams of blood all over the place in random directions and the woman just kept washing herself with it, getting it in her mouth and eyes and nose and ears and all over her.
The wall on the far side of the bathroom was not there and it was facing the horizen, and the sun came up.
And when it was up, everything stopped. The blood turned to clear water, the bathroom that was once all wooden and torn up and moldy was back to white, sparkly, tile and porcelain.

Earlier on I was chained to wall (but it wasnt ME, i was in another body, you know?) and she had found me and I told her to get away because it was haunted or something and she wouldnt believe me so I toldh er to spend the night there to prove it. After everything turned back to normal in the end, she told me I was crazy and tried to leave me behind chained to the wall.
I didn't see this dream from first person perspective, it was like an out of body experience kind of dream.

There was a LOT more dream than that but that's the part most vividly encripted into my brain. *shudders*

Now I have to go clean and nap. I'm SO sleepy.



I absolutely LOVE watching guitarists' fingers.
Shun is always a favorite (duh) but this guy is just amazing. Look him up on youtube, his name is Lee Kyung Won.

Here is my favorite one he did, he is an amazing musician.

Shit I feel like an inadequate idiot now xD *melts away*
I'm still watching his hands while he plays. I'm in total AWE ._.;;
I have this thing for guitarists, shove it lmao.
And on a side note:: isnt his hair gorgeous? haha!

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