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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

So I stayed home yesterday.
Something about having something stuck in an oil gland in my eye or whatever. I didn't listen much to what the doctor said, I just take the meds and go about my business.

I ate so much fucking junk...
Blah. Way too much shitty food in my house, no wonder I'm getting beyond fat.

Ookay so I have to make up a Spanish test I missed yesterday.
I'll have to go in on Friday morning before school starts (I hope our bus isn't late for some reason) and do it.
I heard it's easy...hopefully ):

Nothing really happened today.
My eye is bugging the hell out of me, I fucking hate allergies.
I'm always tired because of them too (how ironic as soon as I typed 'allergies' an allergy commercial came on =/)

My eyes look so enormous @_@;
And yes, I draw on my eyebrows.
I happen to have translucent eyelashes/brows and you can't see them unless I put on mascara and eyebrow pencil.

Bahh yes I am spamming with pictures @_@;
Ummmm here have more

Aren't they adorable :)? sorry, I know it's huge e_e I can't resize...dad's computer = no photoshop...

Daigo Stardust and Meever love. Hahahaaa.
I really do love Miyavi. I admit it with no shame xD I love him to death. He is hilarious and I love his voice...it's so strange :O

Lately I've been writing in a notebook.
Like...I never keep a journal because I don't like to write things on a schedule.
But lately I've just needed to and I'll sometimes write things in it several times a day.
Reading back on it is interesting...

I have nothing to do but ramble. Sorry guys ;(

I have a dentist appointment on Halloween -_-
Thank you mom. Appreciate it.
I wouldn't mind except I have to be heavily sedated to be at the dentist, I have severe panic attacks every time I go. So they have to give me hard drugs and I usually end up sleeping nearly 10-12 hours.
So to hell with anything if my friends' Halloween party is actually on Halloween.
If it's the weekend before Halloween I'm screwed too because I'm going to Sugoicon that weekend *sighs*
I swear...I hate anime conventions.
I like concerts.
anime conventions WITH concerts. That is the only convention I'll go to.
I can't stand crazy otaku (sorry guys xD;).
I just can't deal with obsessive "sesshie" fangirls screeching about in-you-yasha (everyone around here says it like that).
And blahhh I always go into bitch-elitist-mode -_-;;;
Plus I have this terrible tendancy to flaunt myself around people I dislike. And there are gonna be quite a few people like that at Sugoicon.
I am the epitome of a bitch in those cases and it sucks but that's how I am *shrugs*

So no one wants that.

Random picture. Aren't they cute? ^_^ I don't know who they are lmao I just remember my friend Joey (adorable little Korean friend) sent me it about a year ago. haha.

Yeah I should go now.
I have nothing of particular importance to say :x


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