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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Thursday, October 12, 2006

gah really late post, apologies.

Duel Jewel site update!!
Wow they have changed so so much over the years ;(
Not a bad thing, just sometimes I miss them back in their early years.
Back in 03 is when I discovered them but they had only been around for a couple years prior to that.
I hope they don't get too busy to come see me us!!

Shun's new style. If you know the band, and you look at his pictures from wayyy back, you'd really know how different this is for me.
Looking at him at first I almost didn't even RECOGNIZE him.
The musical styles have changed slightly, but not in any negative ways. They still bring more emotion to me than anything or anyone else.

Wow...I'm just lost for thought =|
I can't even believe it's them.
It's insane how much change they've gone through, how grown up they all are since they first came here in 2002.

speaking of Shun
I brought home my mosaic today to finish more of it because tomorrow is our last day and I have been working on it for HOURS and I'm barely close to being finished.

Bad quality. But it's the best pic I can take.
Obviously his hair is being a pain in my ass.
I broke his beautiful face ):

Why do cameras always make the picture look fat?

They also have a new video up...
wow they're getting along so well...
Setting my selfish worries aside, I'm so happy they're moving up in the music world. They must be so excited.
They'll always bring tears to my eyes no matter what, they brought me through the roughest times I've ever had and even though it was just them doing their job, and they don't even know I exist, I feel I owe them every bit of my support for everything they made me feel.
For five normal, yet still amazingly talented boys....no, men -- they still make my heart jump.

This post wasn't even going to be about Duel Jewel but I'm checking my livejournal friends at the same time and a couple close friends (also die hard DJ fans) posted about the updates. Sorry guys, I try not to post big rambles about bands a lot =/

Hmm...I hope this doesn't change them, I was in love with their personalities from the start, after years of observing them and how they acted towards friends who saw them (I have lots -_-;) and everything, I at least know the general outlooks of how their minds work.

Hahaha Shun is such a cow XD
He eats absolutely EVERYTHING he can get his hands on.
Love that guy~
What a computer nerd x]

WHOA i just noticed he had 13 piercings :O
thats EXACTLY how many I'm getting. God the irony of that made me smile.
yes you get to read my commentary on their updated profiles.
Deal >:P

............I take that back.
YUYA....is the dork.
*smacks forehead*
a few examples why?
Favorite animal:Anything that's alive
(-_-;....wow Yuya. You intelligent guitarist, you.)
Merit:Beautiful and intelligent since birth. Flawless. A man of looks and legend that will be completed by fear.
(....*head+desk*....he amuses me to no end)
Favorite type:Sexy dynamites
Hated type:yellow tambourines

(...uhh..I don't even know HOW to respond to that xDDD)

Yeah well...
their new single is coming out :(
I have to buy it
Shit I need my money, parents!!
I get about $90 for my grades being good and money for doing chores >:(
And I need to get my hair cut and bleached, buy my neon green and neon purple hair dye, and buy the hair spray I need for liberty spikes (...Sugoicon will be fun xDDD).
Yes. I will have yellow/red/purple/green liberty spikes.
If all goes my way and I get the money I need.

I'm done now I promise.
I had other points to get to...
here you go
I hate PE.

the end :D


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