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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Sunday, October 15, 2006

okay SO
I spent 5 1/2 hours in a salon yesterday.
from 12:30 to 6:00
To bleach my hair x]
I put it up in the pictures up there *points to bio*

I haven't been blonde since early August so I'm still kinda like "WTF" when I pass a mirror xD;
and even my natural blonde isn't this light, I have red-blonde hair (yay I'm Irish to the core bitches >D )

My hairdresser rocks.
She said next time I come in to cut it (next weekend most likely) she can lighten it more for me if I want free of charge :D
I just can't tell anyone that goes there :x
o^-^o I like my hair light like this.
I just have to keep my complexion light because if I get flushed it's more noticable with light hair :x
uh oh...in PE I'm gonna look like shit xD;
I need to get a note that says I can't run anymore :O
I had an asthma attack on Thursday in pe <.< *coughs*
And I loathe running. I can't stand it.
I hate kickball more than running.
I'd rather run 3 laps than play a game of kickball.

now I must go do stuff for school
bye all


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