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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Friday, October 20, 2006

Ahhh so today was good, I suppose.
Long -- but okay.

So something slightly embarassing happened **WARNING:: IF TALK OF FEMININE ISSUES DISTURBS YOU -- YOU'RE A DORK. STOP READING**
I was laying on the floor and resting my head on my friend Sarah's lap and talking to a few other people (we sprawl out on the floor in the main lobby before school starts every day), and these girls I know from my Wellness class run up to me and one whispers "You have blood on your pants."
me: O_O "Really? ahh fuck." *heads to the a mirror*
Turns out it wasn't like BAD, just since I was laying down and had my leg bent and up, you could see ._.; Shit.
I was happy they told me, though, I'd rather have someone tell me then to not know e_e
luckily i was wearing a skirt over my pants today AND a hoodie so when i stood up it wasn't noticable.

I brought my art project of Shun home to finish over the weekend. I ran out of supplies so I have to buy more this weekend too D:

If I didn't have PE ever again I think I'd be pretty happy in school xD
I have better days when I have health instead of PE.
And today we had the campus police officer (forgot his name) come in again and it was a big talk on like Marijuana and Meth and whatnot e_e
*sigh* I hate the drug talk lol.
And there was this video and they showed someone shooting up (as in sticking a needle in their arm) and I wasn't expecting it and I FLIPPED out and shrieked and whirled around in my chair to look away. I am scared TO DEATH of syringes, I almost started hyperventilating just thinking about it. Like dead fucking TERRIFIED.
Normal needles don't bother me as bad, just the medical syringes, even LOOKING at one just laying there will send me into a panic D:
It's psychological, of course, as are all fears -- but it's not something I see changing.
And that's why I have to be HEAVILY sedated for simple dentist work.
I can't imagine how they're going to manage getting that IV in my hand when I have to go get my oral surgery (I just winced typing that word *shudder*)...

So I've planned out all my Xmas presents I'm going to make people x3
MOMO-CHAN!! I want to make you one :D
I just need a LOOOOOOOOTTTTTT of fabric @_@
Like, this will probably drain me after Sugoicon xD;
My mom has an entire room full of fabric, like 20 years worth of fabric, but I need felt and I don't know if she has all the colors I need.
I'm not gonna say what the gifts are because Momo-chan you can't know your surprise ;DDD
I'll have to work my ass off starting in early November and a couple may be late because I have to send them to places like California and Michigan (possibley Japan as well if my friend Nicole isn't back home in Michigan by then).
@_@ But it will be fun 8D

Nowww I think I'll go...
there really isn't much else to talk about ^_^;

here, again, a picture:

Akiiiiii :D
He is SO gorgeous, don't you think?
Sadie is an interesting band, my friend introduced them to me a couple of months ago. I enjoy them a lot :D They're really thrashy metal, and I haven't listened to a lot of that in a while.
Not since Clever Sleazoid upset me @_@;
(it reminded me too much of Slipknot >P ew)


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