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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Saturday, October 21, 2006

   current song: Kaleidoscope - KayaCurrent mood: tired/blank
:) So this morning I forgot to turn off my alarm clock and woke up at 5:30.
I sat up in bed, blinked a few times, and looked down at the clock -- all the while trying to remember if I should be getting up or not.
I finally figured out "oh shit, it's Saturday" and turned off my alarm and went back to sleep.
I woke up a few more times but eventually got back to sleep after that too...*yawns*
I've only been awake for about half an hour.

I love this song *does a tired half-dance*
the lyrics are like pedo-in-a-box though heee.
Here is a translation of it:

Kaya - Kaleidoscope

Welcome home, my darling little boy
Stay by my side forever from now on
Let's keep the door locked and
resume our dream

Now I'll torment you
insanely yet sweetly

A kaleidoscope starts revolving
I'll devote my love
by putting dazzling rosy ecstasy
I don't need anything any more
I need nothing but you
The world exists only for us
The world nobody can interrupt us

Sweet punishment for the lost child
I've never forgotten your voice,
smell, habit, gesture, and taste

A kaleidoscope starts revolving
I'll devote my love
by putting dazzling rosy ecstasy
I don't need anything anymore
I need nothing but you
Let's be isolated and fall asleep
without anyone's interruption
by kissing the nape of your neck
for an eternal engagement

No one can stop us
I don't let anyone stop us.

yeah, after reading those I was like :O "Kaya...what do YOU do in your spare time?"
but really it's a beautiful song, and I respect Kaya so much for what he does.
He tries to break the barrier between genders and taboos in his lyrics (and appearance *coughfakebreastscough*).

I was on the phone with Hannah last night for a while, it was pretty funny, we talked about a lot of stuff.
After I got off the phone with her my friend Lauren called (she lives in cali.) :D
We talked for a few hours as well, I didn't end up sleeping until nearly 2 am xD;

We're such nerds, me and Lauren.
We were geeking out over hot guys all night.
*small laugh* it was fun though, I like being a dork sometimes.
We kept finding hot guys on the internet and IMing eachother the links back and forth while we were on the phone xD;
She heard me die quite a feww times~ ;]

I can't wait until next weekend, yesterday i kept thinking /saying "one more week until Sugoicon :DDDD"
I'm just so excited. not about the con, really, I only want to go to that to raid JPH and see kailey.
I'm more excited about seeing my friends, I miss them dearly ;o;

Oh look, the song changed :O
now it's "death" by Rentrer en Soi

OH and yesterday--
that was Aki from SADIE.
not SID :/
unless I'm really REALLY mistaken and they are miraculously the same band somehow xD;;;;


I really really need a concert fix ;'(
but not HERE.
I want to go to fanime next year. My parents were willing to let me go to PMX next week but my plans changed.
and PMX is in fucking LA, Fanime is in San Jose (or San Francisco, I don't recall, but they're close anyway).
And my uncle lives near San. Francisco, plus my brother offered to go with me to PMX so maybe I can get him to go to Fanime.
He won't like it, and he'll be freaked out, but he won't interfere much. He's just there to watch after me (like a baby *rolls eyes*).
But I understand, my parents don't know Kiku and Shou and all my friends in Cali. so I understand why they'd be worried about it.
and my brother is a Sensei so he's well-suited to protect me if anything were to happen.

I'm hungry :x
I wish we had cereal >:O we seriously need to go shopping. Like today.

I'm thinking at Sugoicon I'll buy that Dir en grey shirt I had to give up last year, and then probably a new Duel Jewel shirt and maybe another Duel Jewel CD if I can :3
If I don't get the CD then I'll go forrrr...hmm maybe I should get merch. from a band I don't have merch. for already xD
I have my signed D'espa poster (in a frame. Because those sigs and those fingerprints aren't going anywhere O_O;) and my signed picture with them AND a Tshirt.
I also have a Duel Jewel poster, shirt, and I just ordered their newest album which will be released next month ($40 @____@ for the album. By the way.)
and I'm going to be buying a Dir en grey shirt.
AND i already have an X Japan/hide shirt.
Sooo...maybe I should get like...12012 merchandise or PLC or something =/
Or maybe Phantasmagoria XD
gah who knows what I'll do.
OH BKLGNLDFG If I see a CURE magazine or SHOXX with Duel Jewel on it, I'm SO getting it.
:DDDD that's the end of that.
And if I can I want to buy a Schwarz Stein something or other...I have a flyer from Japan from an 03 event for them already, but it's really tiny and I want something bigger @__@
I should have like...a little more than $100 by Sugoicon (I'd have a lot more but I bleached my hair and that was $50 xD;).
And I need to set $40 aside to send in for that Duel Jewel album i ordered, so I should have $60-$70 or so e_e *sighs*
not a lot, but I guess it works better than nothing!

*melts onto the floor in rage* >(
I can't believe I'm missing them RIGHT this very second.
They are in Texas. with my friends Kira and Kate.
Holy. Shit.
nklgnfklgnfdlgndflsgns I was supposed to give Kira $10 to buy me a photo set and get it signed but I forgot *smacks self*
*siiigh* oh well. I'm sorry 12012 D: (and HIROAKIIIII TT__TT)

Keeeehehehe. Imagine what my parents will say if I bring this home XDDDD
They've already seen like.. all my grotesque bands (Dir en grey and stuff), and all the really lolita bands (Malice Mizer, Schwarz Stein, etc.) and then a couple indies bands (like Duel Jewel...;_; but they probably won't be indies for long....).
But they've NEVER seen anything like PLC HAHAHA!!!! I was gonna go see YURAsama and Seek in FL last June but my fucking dad changed plans at the last minute.
It's my biggest peeve ever. I HATE upon HATE having my plans changed.
Last Sugoicon was a complete MESS thanks to Jen and Katie changing out plans at the last minute, and I almost didn't even go (thank god I did, though).

so there's some dumb rumor going around that Meever is going to be at next years PMX. I totally don't believe it at all, PSC (his record label) are really tight wads about their bands.
other bands of theirs? Gazette, Alice Nine, I'm sure you guys know them too, right?
Yeah and HOW many lives have they done in the US?
Right. None.
that's PSC for you.


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