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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

   Current mood:: exhausted/busyCurrent music::
Today wasn't that bad :D
We had to take testing for the first three hours of school. Well, all of us sophmores did ;(
It doesn't count against us, it's just to help us figure out what subjects we need assistance on or whatever.
I finished both the Reading and English sections, I'm always good at that.
I didn't finish the Science or Math though xDDD I'm horrible at math, not so good at science either. Anything with numbers basically e_e

In Wellness yesterday we watched this movie "Bang Bang You're Dead". It was a showtime movie about school violence. It was actually a very good movie, I almost cried in part of it. You should see it (it's not a documentary, it's an actual movie).
So today we finished the last 10 minutes of it and then went into the gym but we didn't have to dress out or really do anything if we didn't want to :D Kind of like a "free day" I guess?
Because my teacher will be gone tomorrow and Friday he also gave us all a little baby cupcake LMAO. They were fucking adorable, I wanted to take a picture hahaha.

I'm getting so confused in Spanish. Fuck.
I have an A and was doing really well, but it's beginning to get more difficult. I got my first D in that class and I freaked.
I have lots of homework to do for Spanish, speaking of which...

Our bus stops twice at our apartments, once on the side with the Clubhouse and once on the other side. My apartment is in the middle so I can get off at either one. So Heather and her sister and a bunch of 6th graders and I all ran off the bus and like raced eachother, in a way, to the clubhouse to raid them of their free food xDD
they always have cookies and candy and tea and coffee and we, being total immature losers, always jack them ;)

I can't wait until Sugoicon, I'm so excited to see Hannah and everyone. I could care less about the convention (except JPH of course. Hello wasting $90+ on Jrock merchandise xDD).
I just want to see them. And the con gives me an excuse to dress up XD YAY
I'm debating on whether or not I wanna wear my dreads/braids...*ponders*
Since I have my long dark underlayers my dreads and braids look really strange, so I may have to snip my underlayers a teeny bit. Maybe just a couple inches or so.
Speaking of which, I'll have to go make more braids tonight.
ugh shit I also have to finish my art project
here is how far I am as of now:

*le sigh* The rest will take me hours ;(
Then I need to work on my Spanish homework, which will probably take about an hour.
And THEN I need to do braids and dreads if I have time. I still have a lot of hair left, I can probably cover my whole head with them if I make enough ._.

I'm eating candy as of now >:3
"stolen" from the clubhouse bahaha. Smarties, starbursts, and skittles. keheee and I wonder why I'm getting fat XDDD

On Halloween I'm plannning on going with a bunch of people to see Saw 3.
My dad has to take us though because it's rated R and they won't let us in. I think Brianna's boyfriend is 18 but I believe it has to be a parent or guardian ne?
Bahhh oh well, he wanted to see it anyway lol.

My Natsu (mp3 player) is breaking DD:
Slowly *cries*
I need to get a tiny screwdriver and pull it apart tonight as well to fix the buttons ;__;
Goddamn it all. Tonight is gonna be busy Dx

itaiii *holds head*

I'm so sick of icky otaku.
I know I know, I'm on "Myotaku", right?
I joined about two years ago (on a different account), I've since gotten over my general "obsession", in lack of a better term, with anime. I still like it, just not as much.
And I don't mean anything bad towards you guys at all, just the people at my school.
I call them Narutards.
I mean no ill will towards you if you like Naruto, this is merely a name for the idiots around my school.
They make me want to choke babies :)

I had better go before I waste any more valuable "homework-doing time"


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