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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Monday, October 30, 2006

So as opposed to last Sugoicon (when Déspairs Ray was there), this year was nothing -- but all in all I had fun. Mom and I woke up at 5:30-6:00 am and managed to get out the door by 7:00. We got to Kentucky 4 hours later, but we live in a different time zone in TN (central) so really it was about noon in Kentucky when we arrived. So when we finally got to the hotel where the con was being held (Holiday Inn lmao, but it was nicer than you'd originally assume).
I had been texting Jen the whole way up and told her I'd be there about then, but she and the othes wouldn't be there for hours. I walked on inside (without registering yet because I didn't know where it was) and called Hannah, describing to her where I was so she could find me. I saw her walk around the corner towards me before she saw me and I shrieked and mauled her. I haven't seen her in MONTHS and was so excited I was shaking and almost crying (I'm such a girl haha).
I kept hugging her and we eventually got over the the registering place, and I was shaking so hard I could barely write down my information needed for the badge, so the guy spelled my name wrong (My name: Alayna; his spelling: Alayana). It was okay though I don't mind.
We grabbed her and Arielle's (Hannah's friend staying with us that night) suitcases and put them in my mom's car and she drove us to the hotel. It was the next building over, walking distance, luckily. Then once we knew where the room was she let us go back to the con.
We immediately went to the vendor room (yay Kiku your favorite part lmao [/sarcasm]) and JPH was the first booth by the door, which is all good because that's the only place I was intending on buying stuff, considering I'm not much of an anime fan as much as I was when I was younger. I listened to Sadie play behind the counter and talked to Harry Lo a little bit (xD I can see your face Kiku. Yes I'm going to e-tease you through out this entire thing). I glanced around to see if Kailey was there but I didn't see her so I just continued to look through the CDs for a Duel Jewel album (after having every mp3 they've ever recorded -- and not buying ANY of it -- I feel pretty low. Thus I've vowed to buy them all ._.) and at other things.
There wasn't much there, mostly Dir en grey stuff (like their new shirts which I don't like very much so I didn't buy them anyway) and Phantasmagoria and 12012. The only Duel Jewel merch I could find was The Birth, and since I intended on buying it, I grabbed it and held onto it while I stared at some other stuff. Anyone who knows me sohuld know that I'm the most indecisive person on the face of the planet, so I was always going back to that booth throughout the day and I'd stay around for about 15 minutes deciding whether or not to buy something xD;
I looked up when I was getting ready to buy the CD, and I see this blonde head of hair behind another person looking at merchandise. I looked around the random person I didn't know and saw Kailey :D
I said hi and at first she looked a little confused (it's okay hun I didn't expect you to recognize me xD I still love you) but after a moment she figured it out haha.
After I bought the CD we wandered around and took pictures of people and eachother, some people wanted pictures of us, etc. etc.

Like her, she was so cute I had to take her picture.
You know what's strange? When you ask someone to take a picture of you with your own camera, or if someone asks you for your picture, and while you're doing your amazing little pose like 6 other people you've never seen in your life will stop and take your picture too @____@
It was slightly creepy but at least they didn't think I was burning their retinas xD
like when we took this one:

we asked some random person passing by if they'd take it for us, and a few other people with their own cameras were like "oh hold that pose!"
oO;; wtf we were just sitting there. It wasn't that interesting @_@

It happened with this one too, except I took this picture haha.

Then Anthony (Hannah's friend, he's like our own personal Chinese chauffeur lmao) came and we went to the Asian Buffet [long story short-- We were regulars when I still lived in KY. Male employees = fucking hot. The staff know us both by memory/face).
I had lo mein, holy fucking shit I missed their lo mein. And their Mongolian Grill *is dead*
♥♥it's ungodly good.

XDDDD Hannah absolutely failed at using chopsticks. Anthony and I were staring at her while she tried to copy how I was holding mine. And yet she still failed. I♥you Hannah rofl
The manager of ther restaraunt was really friendly and loved to talk to my dad and is a very excitable little Chinese man :O hehe. He saw me and went "._. ...O_O...OH!!! HI!!! 8DDD Long time no see!!"
and then continued to chatter on to me and then pat me on the shoulder and then go somewhere else xD; I loved that man, he's so nice and spazzy.
I'm surprised he recognized me though ._.
Oh and I was planning on going there at night, so I figured I'd change before going. But we ended up going around 1 pm, so we didn't change. You can't see it in any pictures I have, but I was wearing a tiny black/white striped mini skirt. I was also wearing white fishnets with ripped up black fishnets over top of them and my platform shoes. Plus Hannah was wearing an equally short skirt and a very visible garter (sp? blah). So you can imagine the looks we got when we were running around there, ne? hahaha we got "the look" about 40 times in an hour xD

When we got back to the parking lot, I realized something.
Only at an anime convention will you find at least 12 cars promoting yaoi, yuri, or hentai in general.
I swear on my life I saw so many yaoi bumper stickers my head was spinning.

So we continued to spaz around the con, taking more pictures.

I thought the fountain was pretty and Hannah is a perfect little pixie so she looked cute next to it, ne 8D?
We found our friend Miranda, but she didn't really talk to us much, haha. She was with a few other friends of hers cosplaying Dir en grey.

Toshiya cos :D He was really nice and we ran into him a lot over the course of the day. I don't know how to spell it but I think his realy name was Roman or something xDDD

Ignore Jen at the far right end, she wasn't supposed to be in it but she jumped in at the last second.
Those two were funny and shared FVT stories with me, and apparently they know Kailey too (my god, you're a popular person, babe. haha) @@;
Hannah and I went outside to have a smoke later on and saw them out there, apparently we all had cigarette cravings at the same time lol. Oh god but I'm NEVER smoking Cloves again, nasty ass cigarettes.
We went back inside and went to the bathroom to fix my false eyelashes (they had shiny sticky jewels on them 8DD), and ran into Tori, whom I know over Myspace.

^that's her

A little later we headed back the vendor room and I bought an 12012 shirt, then Hannah wanted to go see the Jpop band that was going to be there (Silly Stones and then another one named Mai).
I went with her for a minute but they hadn't started the live yet so I left to go wait for Jen and the rest to show up. When they finally showed up I ran over and expected them to be at least excited but the enthusiasm was lacking, which was weird.
We went to the live then a few minutes later and I found Hannah at the front and went up to her with everyone else behind me.
I left after about ten minutes though because I really don't mind Jpop but I'm not into staying that long to watch it.

Short video of part of the Silly Stones. My voice is annoying, I'm sorry.

Later on that night I really wanted a cigarette so I went on a mission to find Toshiya-boy again. I was scared to bother him though so I sent Dolly over to get him and ask if he had a smoke. He was REALLY nice and was like "oh yeah just meet me outside."
So we went out the front door and he came out a minute later with a pack of *dun dun DUN* Marlboros (THANK FUCKING GOD). I thanked him about 50 times and grabbed one.
His gloves were making it hard for him to grab one and light his lighter though so I had to pull one out of the box, stick it in his mouth, and use my lighter to light it for him, haha. I didn't mind though, he was adorable xD

He wasn't expecting the picture lmao he looks high or something xD;
He was 16!!! I had thought he was like 18 or somewhere near there oO;
Jen wanted to try my cigarette so I let her take a few drags, but she held it like a joint BAAHA
niether of us smoke pot or anything, but everyone knows how you hold weed, right? I was laughing so hard xD

We went back inside and sat down for a while, then those girls Toshiya-boy is friends with showed up and we all hung out for about an hour.

Yay I loved her eyebrows haha, she did her makeup well. I want her lip ring D:
He had left for a while and they stayed and we talked, then he ended up stumbling back over to us and he didn't even have to say it because we could see he was on the verge of being drunk. He did say "I'm a little tipsy" though haha.
He had this kid on a leash:

HAHA white-boy shounen ai xD
and he had Kyo's abs o__O it was freaky. That kid had no shirt on under that button-up and I was like "holy shit".
I don't like muscles, really, but he did have a nice stomach.

SO then at 9:00 we went to the rave, it was actually a lot of fun and I danced. I never dance so it was a rare occasion. I stayed until 11:00 (Hannah went back to the hotel around 10:30 b/c of some drama that I'd rather not get into) then went to this Jrock panel thing, but I only went so that I could sit down and listen to them ramble on about bands and play some songs.
I was REALLY pissed off though because Jen, Katie, Bunra, Dolly, and Rachel had all left without saying goodbye to me. I came out of the panel room and went into the rave to see if they were there but I only found Arielle, and she told me they had left a long time ago. Ooohhhh my god I was fucking livid by that point.

I had to run next door to the hotel, grab a room key, and run back with Hannah to give it to Arielle because she was staying at the rave until it ended (3 am).
My mom and Hannah and I all stayed up watching South Park and ordered cheese sticks from Papa Johns or some pizza place like that. I fell asleep before anyone else, though haha.

;D But I was the first of us 3 to wake uppppp muahaha. Hannah & Arielle slept forEVER xD

The next morning we got an extra hour (Daylight Savings Time, whoo!). Hannah left around 11:00 and my mom dropped off Arielle at the con nextdoor around noon when we had to check out of the hotel. I was sad I had to leave, I had wanted to take Hannah's pass because she wasn't going back on Sunday even though she signed up for 3 days. :( Oh well.
We then went off to go eat lunch with my mom's friend.

Yes. That would by Skyline, everyone. It's an Ohio/Kentucky thing I believe, haha. And it actually tastes pretty damn good, believe it or not.
Everyone together now: "HOORAY FOR CLOGGED ARTERIES!!"
We left after that and got home around 5:00 central time (our TN time zone).

the rest of the pictures~

Left=Bunra Right=Jen.
Para-paraing like idiots in the middle of the atrium haha. Again I have a loud, obnoxious, annoying voice. I apologize.

ew goddamnit I hate candid pictures ;_; *wasn't expecting it*


o___O It WAS red-eye. Then i tried to fix it so Jen wouldn't look demonic, but uhhh..I fail xD

I bought that Ramune and got a tiny sip >( jen, you fucktard.

Toshiya-boy + Jen xD That was when he was "tipsy", if you can't tell.

Tori and Jen

By the end of the day, this is what I had bought (merchandise-wise) :D

HAHA MY BOOBS EAT YO' HEAD, JEN XD *again, wasn't really expecting a picture*

Ewwww, Bunra. Mcdonalds is bad for you.

Kailey. I hope you don't mind me putting it up, sweetie :O


Yeah they sewed that in a day. You whores *needs fabric* >(


HAHA funny story about this. I liked his hair and his shirt and wanted to take a picture but didn't want him to think I was trying to get masturbation-material like a crazed Harry-fangirl I've heard so much about o__O So I asked Jen to go do it for me and she held up the camera without even asking and he saw and held up 2 of those special fingers, but I called from behind him "HARRY, NO! You have to be CUTE!"
so he looks at me, then at his fingers, chuckles a little, and puts one hand down ._.;
I guess that counts? BAHA. He was really nice and talked to me a few times while I was at the booth. He seemed surprised when he found out I like Sadie oO; *shrugs*

Rachel+Bunra. Those lovebirds are so mooshy-kissy-blah all the time xD It's cute sometimes though.

Katie looked nice that day :)

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