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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Friday, November 3, 2006

wow ummm
ignore my last post, I'm sorry about that
I was really fucked up on dentist drugs so it was like being drunk/high
I'm reallyyyy sorry xD; *deletes it*

My jaw hurts really bad.
I was intending on going to school today but my mom said I should stay home, she'll just go get all my work I've missed the past 2 days -_-
Next I need to get my surgery and braces and I'll be all done for dental work ;_;

My Duel Jewel CDs will be coming soon :D
I bought both versions and the dvd, all first press release. I can't wait until they get heeer. (Duel Jewel you had better love me for spending $40 on this xD)

God my jaw feels like it's being run over by an 18-wheeler @@;

Anyway...Dir en grey is doing an East Coast tour apparently (yay momo-chan, you should go!!) They will stop by the West US from what I hear, though, so I guess it's a both-coasts tour. If they come near me and I have the money thn I'll go, but I won't go out of my way to go to a dir en grey concert.
momo, if you need any help and a live is near you I'll help out if I can :) I really want you to be able to go (I would go with you if it was possible lol)

gah i better go, my teeth are screaming at me
love you all


*rubs temples*
THAT is one of the new DJ songs. Okay uhhh...it's really cute and all...and I'm not saying it'sa bad song, but that is just NOT Duel Jewel's sound. That is like Ancafe with Hayato doing vocals.
I can't help but hope this is just a test of sorts with a new sound @@;

this one is more Duel Jewel-esque It's still a far cry from their normal stuff, but I suppose they are trying new styles out. I'm still in shock from the first sample. I really hope they don't start turning oshare-sugary oo; My favorite album was Lapidary (still is, in fact), so if you know that album then you can imagine what my brain is doing right now
*insert animation of deflating balloon*

OH YEAH 8DD New theme.
It's really hard to find Sadie pictures so there is no wallpaper yet ;( sorry guys.
If you find any please PLEASE tell me so I can get it on here xD; Sadie is one of my favorite bands, they are great. Harry (HoA Harry) seemed really surprised that I knew who they were :O JPH was playing their CD at Sugoicon and when he saw me mouthing the words and mini-headbanging/tapping on the table he goes-- :O you like sadie??" me-- ":DDD Yeah!! They're one of my favorites!"
and some little conversation ensued but it was really funny.
Uhhh yeah i got off topic.
apologies o-o;

so apparently Hannah and I are supposed to be on this TV show, I dunno. This guy from Sugoicon took our pictures and then told us they would be on this tv channel, and he gave us his website. We've looked at it but I don't know how to get info on that.
click here Hmmm weird. Wonder if it was just come local channel or whatever, hehe. I just thought it'd be interesting to see a picture of me on TV. Unless, like, it sucked xDD Then I'd be pissed.

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