Arrgh my teeth are so sensitive.
I had to force myself to eat cereal but it hurt to chew it @@
God my mom and dad went out last night to a bar with a bunch of my dads work friends. My dad doesn't drink anymore but my mom does sometimes @_@
So she came home a few hours later (dad drove her) smashed off her assssss. I was laughing so hard I thought I was going to throw up, it was hilarious.
She kept trying to poke me in the head but missed and all sorts of stuff bahahaha.
I am going to be one of those obnoxiously LOUD drunks that are amused by walls and giggle at everything, I know it.
xD At fanime next year, if I go, I'm planning on getting away with Crystal and getting drunnnnk as shit, and handing my friend Kiku the camera bahaha.
I'm scared I'll probably molest a lightpole or something, though oO;;;
god xD
If Duel Jewel comes to fanime (yeah right, I WISH) I'd seriously WAIT for Shun to come outside to smoke, pull out a cigarette, and go up and ask him if he has a lighter O_O
I don't care if I quit smoking before I see Duel Jewel, I'll smoke another one if it gives me an excuse to go have him light my cigarette xDDD
I'm designing some clothes I wanna make soon
I have lots of ideas, just not sure if my mom has all the fabric.
She has (quite literally) an entire room filed to the ceiling with fabric and lace and all sorts of sewing materials, but I KNOW she doesn't have PVC because she didn't even know PVC material existed, she thought I meant the PVC piping -_-;
and she probably doesn't have any tulle, and if she does probably not a lot.
My fucking school wouldn't give me any of the work I missed when I was absent Wednesday-Friday -___-
I was PISSED off.
I'm gonna have Tuesday off, luckily, so I'll be able to do some of that work then...

I. Want. This. Corset.
O_O.........*looks down and grimaces*
Sadly, chest is too big to fit into any corset. I know. I have tried *smothers self*

D: I want these too, in black. I like my arms covered, I am not a big skin-bearer. I like my legs covered too but like...I mean if I wear a short skirt I want loads of tulle to be underneath it to make my legs look thinner, and I won't show any above my knee if it can be helped.