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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Monday, November 6, 2006

oh fuckkkk
first thing i get to hear when I come home, shit.
my dad's warehouse is closing down in 60 days, which means he will have no job.
Fuck fuck fuck.

THe only thing I can think of that would an awesome outcome from this, would be by some amazing circumstance we are forced to move back to our old town in KY.
I doubt that would happen but it's always in the back of my mind. I could get a job and I would have no problem helping out with it, like small stuff like buying food and whatever. It wouldn't bother me as long as they don't take all my money I earned, because I like to save at least $50 a month for emergencies.

I'm sure we'll think of something. I hope so.
I can't stand being "poor". Like, we are getting by now just fine. We certainly aren't "Rich" or anything but we have enough to enjoy ourselves and have certain luxuries some families can't get.
So I can't imagine what will happen if this fucks us up.
Ohhh my god I'm all worried now.
My dad doesn't mean to stress me out by telling me, they only tell me what I need to know, but they keep most details to themselves. It's a need-to-know basis around here unless I ask otherwise, basically.

Ugh so tomorrow I have like...so much homework to do.
SO much homework.
I'll have to get a job soon, I want to work at Walgreens :O that would be fun, and I'd get discounts to buy things like hair dye and makeup and skin bleach.

yeah well I was going to say more but really that blew me out of the water, I can't even remember what I was going to say.
ugh *rubs temples*


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