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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

current song :: Facism - D'espairs Ray (stuck in my head)current mood :: lonely/tired
*yawns* gahh I'm sleepy....
My makeup is all gross too hahaha.
And yet I could care less @@

Ugh so it's been a VERRRY slow day.
I jacked my mom's speakers to plug into my mp3 player, but when I went to plug them in they didn't work. And i figured out it was because this mp3 player is so old and shitty it just won't work lol. It works with everything else though so...hmm.*shrug*
I need a new mp3 player AND a comp. moniter soon e____e''

*has hiccups*
noooooooooooo *cry cry*
;___; Gahh I'm too sleepy to even hiccup anymore XD
they keep scaring me.

I told my dad about Dir en grey being in Chicago on my birthday (still sad about that btw D: *cries more*)....
I also told him they would be in Fort Lauderdale, Florida -- not expecting a reaction really.
But then he said "hmm...when's the one in Florida? Where is it at?" And I was like O____O
Holy. Shit.
Maybe I'm just really desperate to go and getting all worked up but.
Holy. Shit.
He acknowledged it on his own, does this mean he's thinking about it :D?
I mean although I would REALLY rather go to the one in Chicago on my birthday, I won't be picky and I'd go to the Ft. Lauderdale show anyway hahaha.
Maybe I could like, nudge a hot roadie in a low cut t-shirt like "heyyy. heyyyyyyyyy. Guess what day is the SAME day as the Chicago show?" :D and then he'll totally be like "ohnoes you must meet dir en grey".
xDDD yeah right. Ah fantasies.
I'm just kidding, of course. I'm not THAT naive.

Hmmm...yeah at first I wasn't excited to (attempt to) see Dir or anything, to be honest.
They aren't like a FAVORITEFAVORITE like Duel Jewel or D'espairs Ray is for me, but I do love them. They're a great band and they've proven so many people wrong.

I have to be in the gym tommorrow for wellness, but I'm going to get a note from my art teacher to go to her room to finish a project instead x]
That's what I did on Monday ;D
I just asked her if I could come in during third block (when I have wellness) and she wrote me a note (it was on a napkin because she was at lunch at the time XD hahaha) and my wellness teacher let me go :D
It was fun.
But hojeez there are some BIIIITCCCCHEESSSSS in that class.
I have a friend in that class, Jeff, but other than that I'm like *rolls eyes*
they're such...grbngkgfkl raahhh *strangles a baby*

Like, after third block our class goes to lunch (there are four lunch breaks, each set of classes goes to one break). And on my way to lunch I stopped by the Art room to get one of Brianna's projects for her (she has the same lunch as me).
When I went in those bitchy people were over in the corner giggling and kept looking at me.
I had Goku Maddo by Girugamesh blaring on my head phones so I didn't hear what they said, but I took them out of my ears, turned around and gave them a dirty look and said "I beg your pardon?"
They all stopped giggling but one of the really cocky ones was like "I didn't say anything." and we both kind of stared eachother down for a while until I rolled my eyes and turned back around. Then the giggling ensued.
I mean honestly, I don't mind if they want to say something about me, but I'll be DAMNED if they don't fucking say it to my FACE.
Fucking cowards.

Yeeeahhhh so.
Uneventful day really.
Oh but after school ended, I plugged the speakers into Sarah's cd player and we blasted Sexy Back in the hallway XDDD
that was fun x]

mmmmm...I'm so tired.
and hungry.
I'm gonna eat cereal and take a nap, I think.


also decided--
when I'm 21 im fucking hitting the tokyo underground nightclubs
there is one club that closes at 6 am, but a club just around the corner opens AT 6 am
XD haha!! hoshit dude. I'd be whorin' it up like you wouldn't believe. I can be a shameless flirt when im SOBER, jut imagine what I'd be like if I was DRUNK

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