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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

   current mood :: content yet kinda sad =/
current song :: Walkie Talkie Man - Stereogram

Well...those presale Dir tickets sold out in about 25 minutes, I heard.
Don't the rest go on sale Thursday?
Meh...I want to go but -- I will live without it I guess. It's just that once I start to actually not care about it a little bit more, I hear someone go "OH MY GOD GUESS WHAT IM SEEING THEM 8DD"
And I'm not going to just tell my friends to shut up and stop being excited, I mean I'm happy for them...I just wish I could do more sometimes, you know?

This summer I may go to Japan :) Either Japan or Fanime, I haven't decided yet...
See if it was like a vacation to Japan I'd hella go there. But it's a school funded trip to our sister school and then to Tokyo.
See, if I don't get to go to Harajuku -- and on a Sunday -- someone will feel some severe pain.
And Shibuya, oh hell they'd better go to Shibuya!! Shibuya is supposed to have the best shopping ever, though I know around Harajuku there are more of my favorite brands :D
I'd die to go to a Sexpot store. My classmates would be like "uhhh" because I'd be running around like a maniac and grabbing clothes and blabbering to the cashier about them xD hahaha.
It'd be worse if we see cosplayers, I'd see one I recognized and be like "MAA SUGOI!! DIR EN GREY NO TOSHIYA DESU NE?!?!?" or something and the poor things would be like oO;;; "ee?"

Anyway -- enough of the dreams -- I'm going to the meeting for the trip on Thursday. I'll find out details there and if it sounds good I'll try my best to get there ^^
My mom was going to let me go on foreign exchange anyway :) I woudl hope they'd let us each stay with a host family or something, I'd really hate it if they planned out our WHOLE schedule. I mean I can understand when they want to take us to see certain places like our sister school over there -- but I want to be able to go to places that I've been dreaming of going to. Haha I wonder if they'll let us visit one of the old brothels xD; doubtful.
Maaaaa....I dunno.

If I decide it's not worth it, hell I'm going when I'm 18 anyway. Then I'll just try to get my brother to go with me to Fanime in San Jose, because my mom won't let me go to a con in Cali' because she doesn't know my friends over there. I have about ermmm 3 really really good friends who will be at Fanime, but my mom doesn't know them and won't let me just go stay with them (I can understand why so I'm not really THAT mad just a bit irked).
So I have to take my brother with me, he's 24 and a black belt/sensei xD So I'd feel pretty safe with him around.
And I'd have SOOO much fun.
This will be such a hard decision, I WISH I could do both.

I am uploading these videos I made today at school, haha. I take my camera sometimes and I'll just videotape gym class or lunch or the bus. Sometimes my teachers will let me videotape class, but very rarely.
I like to make videos, something about it is comforting.
I'd LOVE to videotape my art class. This week and next especially, since we are starting pottery. It would be so interesting, I think.
I want a video camera :D I want lots of things, lol. I understand so many of them I can't have, though. At least not right now or simultaneously. If I could get all the things I wanted for Xmas and my birthday? Oh hell. I'd only ask for these things, though it's still a lot (moneywise too @@)

1) that Dir show in Chicago =| on my birthday.
2) Japan trip this summer! (late bday gift ;D)
3) digital video camera
4) a new Ipod (grrr my mp3 player died)
5) Fanime 07 (late bday gift again haha)
6) Acen 07 (to see my other 3 friends Shae, Kailey, and Nicole!)
7) visit KY again for a few days
8) A few of these japanese books I have picked out in my head

yepppp. Hmm.
lots of stuff xD selfish maybe?

Shit I'm trying my hardest to make these christmas gifts but seriously I hate the material I'm working with -___- I won't say what it is because I'm making something for YOU momo-chan, so I can't give it away ;DDDD

yeah I have lots of Spanish homework and I have to clean so I have to cut this short~




:D This is how I'm about to go dye my hair *eyes red hair dye in the bathroom*.
Haha my mom is gonna kill me *hearts* She thinks I don't still have the rest of my hair dye xD!

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