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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Saturday, November 18, 2006

current song :: 'When You're Evil' -- Voltaire
I feel better.
Thank you Momo-chan, I love you so much *hearts*
You made me feel so much better.

I had to just cry it out and then distractmyself for a few hours. Eventually my eyes got tired and I just watched TV with my dad for a while.
They never knew I was crying, which is a good thing. I hate it when they know, then they get all "oh what's wrong, tell me" and if I don't they get all mad at me.
I hate it when they know something is wrong.

anyway I just cried until I felt that strange twinge in the back of your eyes, you know. Like you have nothing left TO cry out, and eventually you start to feel better.
I am not exactly HAPPY with any of this, but I'm not being a total baby anymore like I was last night...

My "friends" are just questionable.
Hence the last statement in the previous post.
So...don't worry about it, ne? I don't want anyone bothering themselves with it, I can handle it.

I also got to talking to some friends online.
It's when I know my life has reached an epitome of patheticness, lol.
When my friends across the country seem to care more than the ones I left behind in my old city.
Just an interesting thought..hm.

I listened to Voltaire as well, and he always makes me feel better.
He's probably my FAVORITE, if not second or third favorite, American musician ever.
He's amazing :D
And I can't help but laugh while i listen to his songs, haha.

I have to clean a lot today as soon as my mom wakes up, so I can't get too comfortable here at this big black squishy computer chair ;_;
My brother is coming on Monday, and even though we were never close, and it's sometimes hard to remember "Oh yeah I have a brother", I'm glad to see him again.
It's been a few years.
I mean...when people ask if I'm an only child, my mouth says "I have an older brother" before my brain even processes the fact that I DO in fact have one.
It's just that when he lived with us I was so young I guess that I never got close with him, and he moved out when I was 9. I guess that must be it. So it's hard to remember any times where he was in fact - my brother.

I'm preparing for an onslaught of "oh god why did you kill your hair?" comments as well e_e
along with "what the fuck kind of music is this?"
while he turns around and screams "bitch" at her.
Because that totally makes sense, right?
wtf oO;

Well...I'm starving.
And I think I want to make my mom in a good mood today since I'm stuck with her...so...
I'm going to go make a big breakfast :)

hope you are all well
I'll check sites more often, okay? I feel bad for not doing so D:


new theme - Duel Jewel.
I didn't feel like putting up a wallpaper even though I have tons.
The song is my favorite one off of their newest release, I haven't let go of the CD since it got here.

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