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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

fucking whores
Dear morons and easily-offended ignorant assholes in general-

Grow the fuck up and don't you dare yell in my fucking face.

If a joke is made that you think is offensive, or if you think that I've done something to hurt someone you know, you do not fucking blow up and try to jump over seats at me.
You either tell me not to say jokes like that, and I will respect it enough not to.
You ASK me if I hit your little smartass brother upside the head, and when I say I didn't touch his dumbass (whether in those exact words, or not), and when he even admits I didn't touch his dumbass -- YOU DON'T TRY TO FUCKING HIT ME BECAUSE, BITCH, I DONT GIVE A DAMN IF YOU CAN BEAT MY ASS, I'LL GET A FEW GOOD HITS IN BEFORE I GO DOWN.

If you're little fucking brother HALF MY SIZE AND AGE calls my friend a "pussy-sucking lesbian fatass whore" on a constant basis and refuses to knock it the fuck off even when we just ignore it --- yes I'll get the urge to fucking blast his face through the goddamn window.
I won't do it, more than likely, I may just tell him to kindly shut his fucking smartass mouth.
If he tries to HIT said "alleged lesbian" friend of mine, yes I'll smack him back.

Must I repeat it?
if you ever fucking yell in my face again, thinking your badass or whatever the fuck it is, I don't care how fucking scared of you everyone else is --

I'm not afraid to beat your fucking ass.


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