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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

warning :: lots of cussing in this entry
okay...i think i should explain about yesterday.

to give you the shortest version possible, I was on the bus on the way home.
There are these kids that are always starting shit, because they both know their big sister (who is my age) scares the hell out of everyone so they won't get their asses beat even though they fucking deserve to get their faces blasted into the window until they're coughing up shards of bloody glass.
They're extremely loud and the sister is a fucking psychotic bitchy ass whore. She goes off on you when you're not even talking to her, if she even thinks she heard you say something she'll act like she's about to jump over the seat and beat your ass or whatever but all she'll do is get up in your face and scream at you.
Now...I HATE it when I'm screamed at. I dont' even take that shit from my own parents.
So when this bitch did that number on me, I fucking flipped out.

the youngest kid is probably about 9 or 10, he's this scrawny little black kid, probably not even 110 pounds and no more than 4'8". He has a worse fucking mouth than me.
My friend Heather is an alleged "lesbian" but we dont' really care about that rumor and she actually encourages it sometimes with pure sarcasm (I.E. "oh yeah i sooo like pussy" and w/e).
This kid will just interrupt our private conversations with a STREAM of cuss words and "you like pussy you're a fatass lesbian dyke whore ass bitchy gnfklgnfdlgn blah blah blah"
and we're kind of used to it so we just kind of raise our eyebrows and then keep talking like it never happened.
Well this particular day he had done it about 4 times. Once was when this girl asked if I had a boyfiend, I said "ahh no not right now" and he fucking interrupts our conv AGAIN and goes "of course she doesnt, look at her, fucking ugly ass bitch blah blah blah"
At that point I was just beginning to tip over the edge so I said something along the lines of "okay you fucking little bitch, I've gotten more offers than you can count to, I'm just not a fucking cock-whore and I turn them all down."
the best thing he comes up with was "oh by what..uh..women?"
Yeah actually i have had a few women offer me a date but im straight so that introduces a whole new range of issues.
I normally know I don't have to prove shit, especially to some little fucking prick like that.
But I had snapped by now.
Then the next few times he did it we didn't really care, mostly because he just came up with the dumbest insults ever and we've heard it all before.
But the last time he did it, I said very calmy "sweetheart, you do realize that when you do get to high school you're probably going o be dumped in several trash cans on your first day if you run off that smart mouth of yours, right?"
he said something like "yeah well when you get to college you're gonna have sex with women and get raped by women and they're gonna fix that ugly ass tooth of yours, no they're gonna rip it out and blah blah blah"
i dont know what else he said but the littl fucker made me so mad I'm shaking just thinking about it. The lesbian stuff didn't make me mad in the least, i thought those insults were rather hilarious and stupid. It's just that other one...I'm extremely self conscious about myself, I was never comfortable with my body and never have been, so that stung deep. He doesn't know me and doesn't have the right to say SHIT about me.
To set it straight, I do have a canine tooth that's freakishly pointed and at one point it was growing over the baby tooth until the baby tooth was pulled, so its a little higher up than he rest of my teeth. That's what he was talking about.
He ran off again but I brushed it off, because I mean he'll get what he deserves eventually.
but THEN he came back AGAIN, went to get in Heather's face, and I put my hand up in front of her face so he would leave.
All hell broke loose.

His fucking crazy ass middle sister started screaming(not the scary one, this one just thinks she's all badass but I could throw her through the fucking air without much trouble and she's always talking shit about me too even though i NEVER talk to her). She was yelling "OH SHE HIT HIM SHE HIT HIM" and the scary sister heard it and jumped up like she was about to start some shit with me.
I have to admit she can freak me out sometimes, but only because I hate yelling. I'm not afraid of fighting with the crazy bitch.
She starts SCREAMING at me so I stood up (taller than her, haha what now bitch) and started screaming back that I hadnt touched her fucking brother, but the whore is so immature that she wouldn't even shut the fuck up and let me tell her what had happened.
To be honest I SHOULD have smacked her little brother upside his head, but I have the fucking MATURITY not to do so. He's have my age and size and even if he is a little smart ass, it's not fair for me to bully on him.

UGH im sorry im usually very calm about this kind of stuff and I like to keep the RAGE inside because I am not one prone to violence even if I joke about it, and I prefer to keep myself out of any sort of physical confrontation, but this really pissed me off. So much so that it's temporarily stunted the growth of my vocabulary and all I can think of are cusswords that I don't even use in everyday conversation (I admit that I use most of them but there are limitations).

I just hate that bitch.
I hope she fucking tries to hit me on Monday.
I really hope she does.
Even if she CAN kick my ass, I'll make SURE she's bleeding before I go down at all.
fucking whore.

I'm sorry if i didn't explain it very well, I'm still to angry with the whole situation to even function.
I fucking LOATHE, with every fiber of my BEING do I loathe people like that.
Who think they're badass but they're really cowards and won't do shit for the consequences they've brought upon themselves.
They're LIFE ruiners and they're going to end up making someone kill themselves one of these days.

yay happy mood.


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