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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Dir en grey is on fuse again
some show called The Worm?


I can't say I'm gonna wait up forever to see it.
If I do I'll be excited but meh *shrugs*

Okay so Tokyo is out.
But that's okay, I'm content with it now.
Because I talked to my brother about it (when he's not being an ass hes pretty nice. Just sometimes in a harsh way ._.) and he said it was stupid to pay that much for two weeks of stuff I don't even really want to do.
I'm gonna go to conventions as cosolation 8D
hellooo Fanime or Acen
Depends on the band. Unless it's D'espairs Ray or Sadie coming or some band I really want to see otherwise, I may just save up for Duel Jewel.
D'espairs Ray and Sadie may be really favorite favorite FAVORITE bands of mine, but Duel Jewel are like 29803285420958430 million steps above.
So whenever they come back (they REALLY want to come back but their new label is strict, I hear), I'll be READY.

happy gobbles day everyone
im out ;D


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