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myOtaku.com: xXTribalOfChaosXx

Saturday, November 25, 2006

I'm thinking of...
...letting my hair grow out again



I enjoy it strangely cut and rainbow-colored, I must say...

but there are times when I miss it being really really long.
*ponders the thought*

I dunno what influenced that thought.
Well...actually I do.
Between my friend Kailey being absolutely gorgeous with her long beautiful hair, so many people telling me how pretty I used to be with my long hair, and yesterday at the mall seeing so many cute boys with girls with long beautiful hair.
Is it so bad that I have to completely change the way I look or go forever loveless?

I need a concert fix.
Since I'm not going to Tokyo this summer (next summer probably, and I'm going when I'm 19 anyway with friends so NYA on you, school system) I'm trying to Fanime or Acen.
It really depends...
I'm still scared that Duel Jewel will come like right after I go to one of these cons.
And then my parents will be like "no you can't go, you just spent _______ dollars on that other stupid convention"
and then I die.
fuck. I wish I knew their entirel ive schedule for the next 4 years, I swear -_-;

Yeah well I had better go, my brother and parents have been getting on my ass about being on the computer so much lately.
And my throat is starting to hurt, I wonder if I'm getting sick....


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